Friday, September 3, 2010

Who are you Hangin’ with?

1 Corinthians 15: 33Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." 34Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.


Harsh! But I guess I needed it. The first convention was so exciting! There were people from all over the world convening in one location. Suppliers, employees and entertainers filled the center with pomp and fan fair. After the day ended I retreated to my room refusing to go out drinking with the “in” crowd. This didn’t seem to work so well.

After a number of mediocre evaluations I decided to go out with this group. I awkwardly sipped on my Coke while others laughed and joked about body parts. Some of the jokes were funny and I found myself giggling. After the fourth convention, I was in the group laughing and joking like the rest of them. Where was I? How did I get here?
  • GOD has called me to be different.
  • HE wants me helping the world not judging it.
  • I am an example of HIM wherever I go so my behavior needs to reflect it.
  • GOD’s light shining through me is the thing that draws people.

After I caught myself from being on the road to adultery I found a good friend who would keep me accountable and I did the same for him at conventions. We would laugh and joke over a late night meal.

Honestly, I can say I have never reached anyone for CHRIST in a bar. Paul writes "be everything to all people" to reach them for CHRIST. He didn’t mean stop following CHRIST to reach them for CHRIST. In this chapter he writes to those who were being misled to believe there is no resurrection.
  • Read the Bible for yourself.
  • Take your reading seriously.
  • Ask GOD for understanding of HIS word.
  • Change crowds (even churches) in order to grow and get fed.
I used to think I was having fun when I stopped following CHRIST and was just hangin’ out. Sometimes I see the rich and fabulously wealthy doing all kinds of wild and wrong things and it seems like their lifestyle is one to be envied. BUT GOD wants me to keep HIS ways whether I am rich or down and out.
  • Who are you hanging around?
  • Are you envious of someone’s sinful lifestyle?
  • Are you an example of CHRIST to everyone?
  • Does everyone know you are a Christian?
  • Does “that” person know you are a sinner saved by JESUS?

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