Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stand Firm!

Luke 21: 17 Everyone will hate you because of me. 18 But not a hair of your head will perish. 19 Stand firm, and you will win life.

Have you ever had one of those days when it feels like “everyone” hates you and what you stand for? Well I have had many days like that.  It seemed like the very mention of my name would drive rage in others.  I guess on those days I should get my battle gear on and come out swinging right? Wrong!

  • Standing firm for GOD means giving an extra dose of mercy when I have the power to crush my enemy like a grape.
  • Standing firm for GOD means showing more love to those who take it and trample it to the ground.
  • Standing firm for GOD means praying more for the person who has a bad attitude to prosper instead of wanting their demise.

On those days when “everyone” hates me, I actually have to do a self-inventory to see if I have in fact done something stupid, mean or arrogant. I still may have so my prayer is for “that” person and for me.

GOD has kept HIS promise so far. Not a hair on my head has been harmed and HE has kept my eternal future secure. HE wants me to focus on the true finish line instead of the changing circumstances of the day. 

I can’t even remember the trouble I faced last year because of the troubles I face today! It means that I should not worry about “this” circumstance because GOD brought me through the last one. GOD wants me to “stand firm” HIS way and I will win LIFE.

  • Are you having one of those days?
  • Does it seem like the “good” you do for others is misinterpreted as picking a fight?
  • Are your efforts of love not being recognized?
  • Can you realize that GOD sees your efforts and loves you with supreme love?

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