Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What do you do when they are kicking you?

Acts 7: 59 While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.


Bodybuilding was my excuse for lifting weights but in reality I got tired of being pushed around. I just wanted a peaceful existence but I seemed to attracted “intimidators.” From scrawny to brawny I transformed myself into one of the in crowd. Now I could do the intimidating even to my enemies!

  • Fighting evil with evil never works.
  • Protecting myself from intimidators causes me to fight under my own strength.
  • Feeding my temper and rage only leads to disaster.

Instead of praying for my enemies, I wanted to take them down.  My motto became “I’m not going to take this anymore!” I found myself fighting my way to the top and being called “brave” during the ascent. Was it “bravery” or “bullying?”

  • Obtaining my own strength will wear out, but GOD’s strength remains forever.
  • Obtaining my own wealth will disappear, but GOD’s wealth will never be stolen or rust.
  • Obtaining my own pleasure will satisfy me for a moment, but GOD’s way will satisfy me eternally.

I will be the first to say “don’t take my kindness for weakness.” GOD however has taught me that it is HIS strength that makes me mighty.  HE will take care of my intimidators, slanderers, and those who seek only their way. My job is to pray for their wellbeing and hope GOD will intervene in their lives so one day they receive the ultimate gift of true salvation through JESUS.

This isn’t easy so HE gives me practice on a smaller scale daily.

  • Is someone kicking you while you are down?
  • Are you being intimidated?
  • Do you know you will be truly blessed by praying for your enemy?
  • Won’t you let GOD take care of the vengeance and you take care of the grace?

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