Monday, April 9, 2012

Too busy for GOD

Romans 12: 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Peering at my watch, I only had minutes to catch the next plane. I knew I would make it as I had become a business airport sprinter. I passed hundreds of people not seeing one of them. As I sat on the plane I slept until they announced it was alright to turn on electronics.

I broke out my laptop and began working, never seeing the people next to me. All I knew is I was on my way to “that” promotion. Months later I was passed over for the promotion. I wondered why GOD wasn’t speaking to me!

  • Ignoring people is like ignoring GOD.
  • Ignoring people makes me just like “the world.”
  • Ignoring people creates selfishness in me that blocks me from hearing GOD’s will.

Many times I have heard preachers tell me this scripture is about sex and they are absolutely correct but there is more to it. When my body is in close proximity to another body something special is supposed to happen.  I am supposed to listen to orders from the HOLY SPIRIT to see what I am supposed to do.

  • Instead of conforming to the world I should listen to GOD and treat people differently.
  • Instead of conforming to the world I should sacrifice some “me” time and please GOD.
  • Instead of conforming to the world I should pay attention to the mercy GOD has shown me and show mercy to others.

Rejection will come with the territory.  I mean when I try to speak to “that” person about GOD’s mercy, they may not accept what I’m saying right then and there.  I should listen to GOD every step of the way to determine if my actions, tone or demeanor is getting in the way of this person hearing GOD’s message of mercy.  I should be a living sacrifice to GOD.

  • Are you having a difficult time hearing GOD?
  • Are you too busy to hear HIM?
  • Have you taken a moment to ask HIM what HE wants to do for your life?
  • Have you given up on GOD?
  • Can you sacrifice some of your busy time to focus on GOD today?

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