Thursday, February 11, 2010

Who do "you" say JESUS is?

Mark 8:27Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, "Who do people say I am?" 28They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets." 29"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ."


I have been waiting on THE CHRIST for a long time. I want THE CHRIST to return and fix all this mess humans have done. Note I say "THE CHRIST." I used to think CHRIST was JESUS' last name. Now I know it is HIS title.

But what does it mean to be "THE CHRIST?" Well, Moses wrote about "THE CHRIST" as one who would deliver people from bondage. In Exodus 6 JESUS says "I AM will deliver you." Humans have been waiting on the one who would deliver them from problems and troubles for thousands of years.

Then HE came.

JESUS walked on the earth, performed miracles, never sinned and died for all humans so they would not be eternally separated from HIM. HE then sent HIS SPIRIT and placed it in those who believe.

JESUS is the savior of the world and "ALL" power and authority has been given to HIM by the father. HE went away to build a place for you and I. HE took seven days to build what exists now and 2000+ years to focus on what eternity would look like. Okay, that may be a little deep.

So if JESUS has all this power and has saved me, why do I still have problems?

I had to think about this. Is JESUS really "THE CHRIST" to me? Well, I must tell the truth, not always. I mean, I believe HE has saved me ultimately, but what about today's problems? Is HE "THE CHRIST" over my issues right now?

Then I realized if I let HIM be THE CHRIST, then all will go well for me, no matter what issue I'm faced with. What does that mean? It means if I am willing to listen to HIM and act like HIM in tough situations, then the outcome will point many people to accept HIS grace.

  • If I am willing to go through the storms then HE with be "THE CHRIST" of the storm.
  • If I am willing to tell people how HE has sustained me, then HE with be "THE CHRIST" of the sustenance.
  • If I am willing to bless people without expecting anything in return, then HE with be "THE CHRIST" of meeting my needs here on earth and blessing me beyond thought in heaven.

JESUS is "THE CHRIST" on earth and heaven. HE supplies needs and helps me to not be afraid. HE has brought me through many storms and will continue do so as long as HE allows me to live. With each storm I weather, a reward waits for me in heaven especially when I go through it with faith!

  • Is JESUS "THE CHRIST" over your situation?
  • Are you willing to depend on "HIS answer" instead of getting "your way?"
  • Can you hear what HE is saying to you?
  • Can you stop steering HIM and let HIM steer you?

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