Thursday, March 31, 2022

Share With Your Teacher

Share With Your Teacher

Galatians 6:If you are being taught the Christian message, you should share all the good things you have with your teacher.




“Thank you for telling me!” was the response I was not anticipating. I simply said “I understand this lesson and gave an example in my own words.” That day, it seemed like the teacher taught with a little more passion.


  • I didn’t know teachers liked to hear when people “got it.”
  • I thought it was the teacher’s job to teach me without getting feedback from me.
  • I did not think it mattered to the teacher if I understood the message or not.


Paul, being a teacher, makes it known that it is alright to share “good things” with the teacher. He had just said “carry your own load” trying to keep people from comparing themselves to others and being destructively prideful. But he gives everyone a way to be excited about their service to the LORD. Tell the teacher.


My Observations

  • JESUS sent the HOLY SPIRIT to teach me all things.
  • I can feed the HOLY SPIRIT by being thankful for the lessons.
  • I can also let GOD’s human teachers know when I understood the inspired message HE spoke through him or her.


Saying “I got it” helps the teacher. I mean, when I am lost and a teacher guides me to understanding, it helps the teacher to know what was effective. Sometimes the teacher needs to be picked up, especially those who are not fishing for compliments or seeking to be puffed up.


GOD called teachers to spread HIS wonderful message. HE holds teachers to a higher standard so they have to be more careful about their words. This can be discouraging, especially when the message is received twisted, confused or flat out rejected. I am grateful for the many teachers who boldly taught me “the Christian message.”



  • What good things can you share with those who are teaching you?
  • Do the words imply you should be taught continuously?
  • Will you share what GOD is doing in your life so you can uplift a teacher today?



Dear LORD, please bless the reader with “good things” today. Fill all with YOUR passion. amen

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Something from Nothing

Something from Nothing

Galatians 6: If you think you are something when you really are nothing, you are only deceiving yourself. You should each judge your own conduct. If it is good, then you can be proud of what you yourself have done, without having to compare it with what someone else has done. For each of you have to carry your own load.




When I got the title I was looking for, I thought I was “something.” I watched those who carried their titles “well” and I sought to be like them. I modeled their purchases, habits and speech patterns. One day, I no longer had that “title.” What was I going to do?


  • I felt I was a nobody.
  • I had wrapped my esteem in things I could compare to other people.
  • I secretly missed the clout and recognition for achievement.


Paul gives a stern warning about thinking you are “something.” This form of pride is based on comparison to others and needing other people to “affirm” actions. He provides a remedy, “carry your own load.”


My Observations

  • There is one being I should compare my life to, namely JESUS.
  • When I compare my sinful life to JESUS, I quickly see that I am nothing.
  • GOD knows HE can use me especially when I do not think more highly of myself.


Liking myself was difficult because I thought I had to achieve titles and acquire things to be recognized by others as “something.” BUT GOD scoffed at my titles and achievements because HE is the MOST HIGH. I was busy comparing myself to my coworkers and sometimes taking shots at them to make myself look good.


GOD loves when I recognize I am nothing without HIM. HE opens my eyes to be thankful for what HE has done and where HE has placed me. I can then see that HE values me without titles or stuff. I am grateful GOD can love me just as I am. HE made me something from nothing.



  • What two types of pride do you see in this passage?
  • How can you tell if you are doing “good conduct?”
  • If you compare yourself to others, will you accept the fact that GOD loves you without titles or achievements, so you can carry your own load to serve HIM today?

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Get Help. Give Help.


Get Help. Give Help.

Galatians 6:Help carry one another's burdens, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ. 




Feeling overwhelmed, I just sat there with a lost look on my face. I must have looked lost because someone came over and asked, “Do you need help?” Not knowing where to turn, I replied, “Yes, thank you.”


  • I needed help.
  • I had huge burdens that I was carrying alone.
  • I felt I could not help someone else at that time.
  • I remembered being helped, so then I could help others when I faced trials.


“Love one another” were the words of JESUS to help people stop trying to achieve GOD versus behaving as HE wanted. This message was further explained through Paul, urging everyone to carry one another’s burdens.


My Observations

  • Sometimes GOD wants me to get help from other people.
  • Sometimes GOD wants me to give help to other people.
  • GOD wants me to pray for and with other people to share our burdens.


Pride gets in the way of asking for help. I mean, if I asked for help again and again, it seems like I am the problem or I cannot seem to do for myself. This is far from the truth and the enemy wants me to not ask.


BUT GOD wants me to share my burdens to get help. HE also expects me to share “in” another person’s burden. I may not be able to fix the situation, or provide the need, but I can share the burden and pray for deliverance. I am grateful GOD puts many people in my life who can share my burdens.



  • When you read this passage, do you feel you need to help or get help?
  • If you feel overwhelmed, will you continue to ask GOD for help?
  • Will you share in one another’s burdens today and pray for many who need help?

Monday, March 28, 2022

Gently Restore


Gently Restore

Galatians 6:1 My friends, if someone is caught in any kind of wrongdoing, those of you who are spiritual should set him right; but you must do it in a gentle way. And keep an eye on yourselves, so that you will not be tempted, too.




Mistakes could be seen a mile away. But my approach to correcting the mistake was harsh and direct. I would tell what he or she did wrong without thought of how embarrassing or  debilitating it could be.


  • I was not gentle.
  • I only wanted correction.
  • I did not factor in how to restore.


Paul mentions the approach of putting people back on the right track after a wrongdoing. He first calls on those who believes in JESUS as the Savior to approach the person about the wrongdoing. He then suggests a gentle approach and finally he warns everyone that they are not infallible of falling.


My Observations

  • JESUS restored me by dying for my sins.
  • The HOLY SPIRIT gives me discernment to see how to follow JESUS in love.
  • The FATHER expects me to seek restoration of others so they too can follow JESUS in love.


Everyone makes mistakes, says something wrong or disappoints one another. BUT GOD is not looking for us to be the mistake Mounties, rather the restoration rangers. Correction without restoration comes across as being high and mighty. I know this from experience.


I may mean well, but may be missing another side, namely GOD’s restoration. GOD wants me to gently restore people because HE wants to be gentle with me. Any mistake a human can do is also within me. I am grateful GOD is merciful to me and wants HIS mercy for everyone.



  • What are the suggestions from the writer?
  • Is it easy to see what others are doing wrong?
  • What does restoring a person to follow JESUS look like to you?
  • Do you have any blind spots that you should be careful of when guiding a person back to GOD’s restoration, that you should be aware of and may fall into?

Friday, March 25, 2022

Good Fruit

Good Fruit

Galatians 5: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.


25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.




Continuing on my thought of going to college, bearing the fruit of human nature and getting kicked out, I felt lost, let down and angry. I started thinking of excuses like “Nice guys finish last” and “They are simply trying to control people into being slaves.” I began searching for racial freedom and other forms of freedom, but I remained thirsty. Tired of “my” efforts I asked “What do YOU want from me?”


  • I was losing hope but ready to hear GOD.
  • I was always angry or frustrated but was now ready to surrender to GOD.
  • I felt like people were letting “me” down but realized “I” could be part of the solution with GOD.


“But the fruit of the SPIRIT” are words that provide hope to everyone Paul wrote to. It takes pressure off of trying to be perfect by performing the Law correctly. One singular fruit is produced by nine wonderful actions.


My Observations

  • Good fruit gives me rest assurance that GOD loves me dearly.
  • The HOLY SPIRIT is responsible for guiding me to bear good fruit.
  • I can rest well when I put aside my human nature and follow what the HOLY SPIRIT says.


Keeping “in step with the SPIRIT” is hard but doable. I mean, when I want things to go “my” way I usually want to speed the process up. When it does not happen as quickly as I would like, I lose patience and bear bad fruit.


BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT steps in and says, “Use patience” when I want to go fast or “Use joy” when I want to be happy but things are going wrong. All nine actions bear a single fruit which draws people back to GOD. I am grateful GOD gave me an alternative to “my” actions.



  • What part of the fruit could you use today?
  • Do you have a problem with this list if people showed these actions towards you?
  • Will you slow down and show these actions towards others without thinking you will get something in return?

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Bad Fruit

Bad Fruit

Galatians 5: 19 What human nature does is quite plain. It shows itself in immoral, filthy, and indecent actions; 20 in worship of idols and witchcraft. People become enemies and they fight; they become jealous, angry, and ambitious. They separate into parties and groups; 21 they are envious, get drunk, have orgies, and do other things like these. I warn you now as I have before: those who do these things will not possess the Kingdom of God.




Continuing on yesterday’s thought, I remember being excited about going to college where I found “freedom” to do what “everybody” else was doing. When I joined in with the group I liked, I was able to get drunk, have as much sex as I wanted and join in on a few battles with malicious words. I found myself not attending classes, then I was kicked out. The “fun” group was not there to help.


  • I was on a path to destroying myself and others.
  • I cared so much about experiencing pleasure that I was blind to my own actions.
  • I wanted to fit in with a group that was trying to use “fun” as a medication to life’s difficulties.


Paul provides a list that could be confusing. He lists actions that some would ask “what’s wrong with that?” He is warning people about their “purpose” in life. The list is not about a specific sin, it is about life’s pursuits. His warning is, if people pursue yielding to human nature too long, eventually he or she will not be able to hear GOD.


My Observations

  • Recognizing that I am blinded by my own desires helps me see GOD.
  • Asking GOD to give me strength to ignore the things that are barriers to hearing HIM puts me back on HIS path.
  • Knowing that JESUS died for all my sins helps me when I fall.


Believing in JESUS enables me to possess the Kingdom of GOD. But what happens if I sin? If I confess my sins HE is faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Getting back to the passage, it is about life’s pursuits that GOD is looking at.


HE knows when I am pursuing “my” own kingdom versus HIS. HE let’s be bear bad fruit, thinking my crowd can “support” me through life’s difficulties. HE allows my bad fruit to grow into horrible situations that may have affected many. Fortunately, HE always makes a way back to HIM. I am grateful I can run back to GOD and HE welcomes me with open forgiving arms.



  • Is there any part of the list the writer brings that would concern you?
  • Do you find yourself justifying your own actions with a group?
  • Will you stop listening to your human nature and confess to GOD that your life may be on a dangerous path and you need HIS help to guide you back to HIM today?

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Directed Freedom

Directed Freedom

Galatians 5: 16 What I say is this: let the Spirit direct your lives, and you will not satisfy the desires of the human nature. 17 For what our human nature wants is opposed to what the Spirit wants, and what the Spirit wants is opposed to what our human nature wants. These two are enemies, and this means that you cannot do what you want to do. 18 If the Spirit leads you, then you are not subject to the Law.




Arriving on campus, I could hear the loud music blasting from various dorm rooms. We had a drunken party that night and many opportunities for sex. “I’m going to love this place!” I thought to myself!


  • I thought I was finally freed from the “tyranny” of self-control.
  • I thought it was alright to have a little “fun.”
  • I thought of the normal excuse: “Everyone else is doing it.”


Paul addresses a very difficult topic, namely self-control. He explains the built in war within all humans that desires to get our own way with no surrender. Every impulse desires to be satisfied and will fight even the MOST HIGH to get it. This is a trap. But there is an escape path.


My Observation

  • The HOLY SPIRIT wants to guide me to freedom daily if I would only listen.
  • The HOLY SPIRIT lives inside me and fights the internal battle for me.
  • The HOLY SPIRIT pleads on my behalf because I deserve eternal separation from the love of GOD.


“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD” is a hard statement to swallow. I mean, I was born in sin that I did not have a choice over. Meanwhile, I was given the ability to choose to believe in the cure for my sinful lite or live life to its fullest without regard to who GOD wants me to be. Seemed hopeless because I would choose to live life without GOD.


Fortunately for me, HE chose me. HE pursued me and showed me there is a better way to live that provides true hope and freedom. I can read GOD’s word for truth and listen to the HOLY SPIRIT for guidance to freedom daily. I can then oppose getting “my” way and seek GOD’s kingdom the way HE wants me to. I am grateful HE pursues me when I would not look for HIM.



  • What is the writer talking about when mentioning the “human nature?”
  • What war do you seem to be fighting inside of you?
  • What small steps can you take to listen to the HOLY SPIRIT and introduce a small amount of self-control to follow JESUS on the path HE has for you today?

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Called to be Free

Called to be Free

Galatians 5: 13 As for you, my friends, you were called to be free. But do not let this freedom become an excuse for letting your physical desires control you. Instead, let love make you serve one another. 14 For the whole Law is summed up in one commandment: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” 15 But if you act like wild animals, hurting and harming each other, then watch out, or you will completely destroy one another.




Freedom was something rarely preached in the churches I have attended. Come to think of it, I have never heard “freedom” preached, rather lists of things to do. When the lists do not work, then I felt I was in worse bondage than before. I would doubt GOD’s power because the list of “to do’s” was not working.


  • I wanted freedom but I wanted it “my” way.
  • I wanted wealth, power and pleasure as my definition of “freedom.”
  • I wanted what I wanted without regards to what someone else needed.


Paul reminds everyone that JESUS provided true freedom. HE gave one single command that enables us to fulfill the entire Law: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” There is nothing more “to do.”


My Observations

  • GOD’s love for me set me free from my sins.
  • GOD wants other people to be set free and believe in HIS SON as the only Savior.
  • Once I am freed from my sins, I can choose to be part of GOD’s family and serve others with the same love I have for myself.


Freedom is confusing. I mean, many preachers would stay away from saying “You are free to sin because JESUS forgave you for all your sins”, but this is a true statement. When I believe in JESUS, eternal death was no longer my path. But something strange happened.


GOD then filled me with the HOLY SPIRIT, making sin less desirable. HE then opened my eyes to my “neighbor” and whispers “Serve him or her even though he or she may not look or act like you.” I am grateful I am free to let people choose and I do not have to control their actions, only mine.



  • What “freedom” is the writer speaking of?
  • Do you feel like you can let GOD down by your actions or inactions?
  • Will you get rid of trying so hard and purely believe that JESUS loves you and be filled up today to simply “be” HIS child today?

Monday, March 21, 2022

Dropping the Safety Net


Dropping the Safety Net

Galatians 5: 11 But as for me, my friends, if I continue to preach that circumcision is necessary, why am I still being persecuted? If that were true, then my preaching about the cross of Christ would cause no trouble. 12 I wish that the people who are upsetting you would go all the way; let them go on and castrate themselves!




Comparing how well the food was prepared from one household to the next was easy. At one household, I critiqued the flavors, at the other I judged presentation. I had a lot to say until I had to do the cooking for a large group. It was a lot of pressure!


  • I felt safe to critique, but not to receive feedback.
  • I felt opinionated when I was not driving or leading the effort.
  • I felt I could complain when I had only a small part or no part at all in the success of someone else’s effort.


Paul implies that it is harder than it looks to speak about JESUS. Some people who were upsetting many, were placing unnecessary barriers in the way of those who desired to believe in CHRIST. Church leaders were giving lists of rules to follow, without giving themselves to the only Savior, namely JESUS. Paul expresses his anger towards those who attempt to take people off the path of following CHRIST.


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to continue following JESUS through persecution.
  • GOD knows I will be persecuted and gives me joy and perseverance to keep going.
  • GOD desires that I continue to speak about the “cross of CHRIST” without worrying about being safe.


Dropping the safety net is a term used by circus acts. A tightrope walker would practice with a safety net without fear of falling. But when the safety net was removed, they could plummet to their death.


Same goes with following JESUS. It is easy to post a couple of scripture and anonymously attend a church, but when I had to speak about JESUS to someone, it was a different feeling. I was questioned, my character was doubted and my motives attacked.


Anger ensued where I thought love should have sprouted. I then learned, the adversary wanted me to be safe and not speak boldly about JESUS. I am glad JESUS grows us to follow HIM with fervor.



  • What do you notice about the writer’s persecution?
  • Do you think following JESUS should be easy?
  • Will you drop the safety net and prepare yourself to be persecuted by those who have not accepted JESUS because you joined HIM in HIS spiritual battle that HE has already won?

Friday, March 18, 2022

Confident About You

Confident About You

Galatians 5: You were doing so well! Who made you stop obeying the truth? How did he persuade you? It was not done by God, who calls you. “It takes only a little yeast to make the whole batch of dough rise,” as they say. 10 But I still feel confident about you. Our life in union with the Lord makes me confident that you will not take a different view and that whoever is upsetting you will be punished by God.




After running over some glass, my car developed a slow leak in one of the tires. I could still drive as I pleased, but I was not confident I could go on a trip that was too far from a place to refill the tire. This little pinhole changed my trips for a while until I saved up to get it fixed.


  • Something tiny changed my thinking.
  • One little thing made a big difference in my life.
  • A tiny problem added to my sorrow.


Paul questions everyone about how easily they could be persuaded to stop believing in JESUS as the truth. One person may have preached a message that countered the truth about JESUS being the one and only Savior. He may have even gone so far as to raise questions about the need to be saved. But Paul remained confident for a reason.


My Observations

  • Little sins can cause me to feel unconfident in GOD’s power for me.
  • My sins cannot stop GOD’s love for me.
  • My confidence comes from being in union with CHRIST.


“But I still feel confident about you” are true words of surrender to GOD’s power. I mean, when I see someone struggling in life due to a lack of a relationship with JESUS, I want to jump in and convince him or her to choose HIS power. It does not always work that way, so I feel helpless.


GOD wants me to be confident in HIM that HE will draw everyone who belongs to JESUS back to HIM because of their belief. HE chose us before the foundations of the world and is in complete control. I am glad I can let go of situations and remain confident in the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT in my life and many others.



  • What is the concern being raised from the writer?
  • Has there ever been a time when you received conflicting information regarding salvation?
  • Will you remain confident that JESUS saved you for all eternity and is not mad at you rather is quite pleased with you today?

Thursday, March 17, 2022

What Matters

What Matters

Galatians 5: Listen! I, Paul, tell you that if you allow yourselves to be circumcised, it means that Christ is of no use to you at all. Once more I warn any man who allows himself to be circumcised that he is obliged to obey the whole Law. Those of you who try to be put right with God by obeying the Law have cut yourselves off from Christ. You are outside God's grace. As for us, our hope is that God will put us right with him; and this is what we wait for by the power of God's Spirit working through our faith. For when we are in union with Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor the lack of it makes any difference at all; what matters is faith that works through love.




One more thing went wrong that day. “LORD, what!?” was my frustrated cry. “Aren’t I doing enough? I’m trying to live right and it seems like those who easily do wrong are getting ahead in life!”  When I calmed down, the situation remained the same but I could quiet down to listen to GOD.


  • I thought I could live right to make everything go “”my” way.
  • I was doing “good” for me versus serving GOD.
  • I wanted something from the “deal” with GOD instead of simply living as HE wants.


Paul urges the Gentiles not to half-follow the Law by picking and choosing certain parts in efforts to feel closer to GOD. He warns everyone that by trying to depend on the Law to measure how “good” one can be brings judgment of the whole Law rather than freedom.


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to see that HIS grace is what saved me.
  • GOD wants me to recognize that there is nothing in me that is worthy of HIS grace.
  • GOD wants me to accept HIS wonderful gift, which is HIS only SON.


When things go wrong, the HOLY SPIRIT is there to pick me up. I mean, because I believe that JESUS died to save me eternally, HE sent the HOLY SPIRIT to live inside me and anyone else who believes. Comfort, guidance, discernment and peace is what is given to all who believe.


Unfortunately there is a war inside me that tries to take over the situation, causing me to doubt GOD’s true love. I think “I” have to do something rather than simply having faith in HIS ways. I am glad JESUS forgives me for those weak moments and restores my faith in HIM.



  • What do you think was going on with this group of people?
  • What does it mean to be “put right” with GOD?
  • Will you seek unity with CHRIST through faith versus trying to be “good” enough to please GOD who is already pleased with you?

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Stand as Free

Stand as Free

Galatians 5:1 Freedom is what we have—Christ has set us free! Stand, then, as free people, and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again.




When things were going well, I found myself in the same pattern. I did not pray as much, nor did I mind sinning as much. But when trouble came, I was fervent in prayer and I tried to walk straight.


  • I was trying to control my life.
  • I was not sure if GOD was really on my side.
  • I thought I could manipulate GOD by “doing” more.


Church leaders were prescribing more to “do” but Paul was sent by JESUS to give everyone rest. Freedom is something that CHRIST has provided for all who believe in a Savior. No longer do we need to show GOD we are wrong by doing the Law.


My Observations

  • Peace is a gift GOD wants me to have, so I accept it.
  • Joy is part of the fruit of the SPIRIT, so I embrace it.
  • Rest is the place GOD wants to take me to, so I can start now.


Attempting to fulfill all of the Law proved impossible for all humans except one. JESUS knew how to navigate life without committing one single sin. HIS creation was busy trying to get others to not believe in HIM but to follow their preaching and remain blind.


Weak leaders want to be the solution and to grow a following. BUT GOD wants all of us to point to HIM and depend on HIS mercy and grace. Sin no longer has control over the situation. Whether I sin or not GOD’s power prevails. I am glad HIS decisions of love for me are not based on my actions but through faith.



  • What does freedom look like to you?
  • Can you be free, yet choose to be a slave to GOD?
  • Will you stop trying so hard to please GOD and seek HIS kingdom by spreading the Good News of forgiveness, love and mercy today?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Freed Woman

Freed Woman

Galatians 4: 28 Now, you, my friends, are God's children as a result of his promise, just as Isaac was. 29 At that time the son who was born in the usual way persecuted the one who was born because of God's Spirit; and it is the same now. 30 But what does the scripture say? It says, “Send the slave woman and her son away; for the son of the slave woman will not have a part of the father's property along with the son of the free woman.” 31 So then, my friends, we are not the children of a slave woman but of a free woman.




Hearing “GOD loves you” or “Trust in the LORD” got on my nerves. My mother and grandmothers were trying their best to impress something special on me but I wasn’t hearing it.


  • I wanted to do what “I” wanted to do.
  • I wanted to rebel and show everyone that I did not need GOD.
  • I wanted to just be angry and full of rage.


GOD’s amazing promise was explained by Paul. Through two women, Hagar and Sarah, two covenants were displayed. One covenant was laced with mistrust, rules and disobedience, the other with belief, grace and freedom. Those who choose to believe will be freed.


My Observations

  • Freedom is mine to choose.
  • Accepting the fact that GOD owns everything frees me because I am in HIS family.
  • Believing in JESUS is what set me free.


GOD chose some women to perform HIS amazing promise. HE redeemed mankind through a miraculous birth. HE grew up and raised women up from oppression so they too could be filled with HIS SPIRIT.


When the women were freed, there was no malice in them. They spoke about JESUS with excitement and fear. Many people believed because of their testimonies. I am glad I have had many women in my life who stood firm to the belief in JESUS.



  • What does it mean to be a child of GOD according to this passage?
  • Have you ever devalued what a woman said?
  • Will you ask GOD to look at the heart as HE does and see people as HE sees them so you can be added to HIS family and given freedom today?

Monday, March 14, 2022

Freedom is Our Mother

Freedom is Our Mother

Galatians 4: 21 Let me ask those of you who want to be subject to the Law: do you not hear what the Law says? 22 It says that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman, the other by a free woman. 23 His son by the slave woman was born in the usual way, but his son by the free woman was born as a result of God's promise. 24 These things can be understood as a figure: the two women represent two covenants. The one whose children are born in slavery is Hagar, and she represents the covenant made at Mount Sinai. 25 Hagar, who stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia, is a figure of the present city of Jerusalem, in slavery with all its people. 26 But the heavenly Jerusalem is free, and she is our mother. 27 For the scripture says,


“Be happy, you childless woman!

    Shout and cry with joy, you who never felt the pains of childbirth!

For the woman who was deserted will have more children

    than the woman whose husband never left her.”




Wanting to live “right” I decided to start over. My life was not going as well as I would have liked, so I pursued GOD for a change. I attended church regularly and went to a bible college to learn more. I soon felt bad about my relationship with GOD because of all the rules humans put in place to “follow the rules.”


  • I felt obligated to “do” a lot.
  • I felt like GOD was ready to punish me if I did the slightest sin.
  • I felt more confined trying to follow the Law so I could “please” GOD.


What sets us free, our actions or GOD’s loving grace? Paul tackles this difficult question by tearing down a cultural norm. Church leaders at that time wanted to categorize people as “sinners” for not following the Law. Pharisees made rules to follow the rules. They were putting people in bondage versus setting them free.


My Observations

  • Free will was given to me as a gift.
  • I am freed from the eternal consequence of my sins because I believe that JESUS is GOD who rose from the dead after becoming a human and being murdered by HIS creation.
  • I choose to refrain from temptation to keep my mind clear enough to hear the soft voice of GOD as HE speaks through HIS Word.


The Law doesn’t save us, JESUS does, so being “good” will never get me anywhere. I mean, I cannot rely on thinking I can be “good” enough to merit any favor with GOD. JESUS fulfilled the promise given through mother Sarah. She and Mary had miraculous pregnancies.


Belief in JESUS means I am forgiven for my sins and no longer have to walk the tightrope of perfection. This is Good News! Now, I can choose to follow what GOD says and be rewarded for when I choose HIS ways. HE desires to bring all of HIS creations back to HIM. GODS is not an achievement, HE is GOD. I am glad HE freed me.



  • What sticks out to you in this passage?
  • Have you ever felt that GOD was distant because you were not getting your way?
  • Will you know that GOD is already pleased with you and you do not have to “do” more, or “give” more or “hurt” more so you can get your way?
  • Will you simply “be” HIS child by loving JESUS today?

Friday, March 11, 2022

Participate Anyway

Participate Anyway

Galatians 4:17 Those other people show a deep interest in you, but their intentions are not good. All they want is to separate you from me, so that you will have the same interest in them as they have in you. 18 Now, it is good to have such a deep interest if the purpose is good—this is true always, and not merely when I am with you. 19 My dear children! Once again, just like a mother in childbirth, I feel the same kind of pain for you until Christ's nature is formed in you. 20 How I wish I were with you now, so that I could take a different attitude toward you. I am so worried about you!




After a long day I sat on the bus headed home. Traffic was thick so we creeped down the street. I looked out the window and saw people from my school taking an alternate route since the main one was filled. I could also see thugs waiting to rob them.


  • I felt there was nothing I could do.
  • I felt bad for the those who were about to be victimized.
  • I felt angry at those who were trying to take advantage of others for their own gain.


Paul expresses his deep concern for those who have turned away from the saving message of JESUS to follow other messages that provided temporary hope. Thieves desiring attention were busy trying to steal love versus living it. All Paul could do is be concerned from a distance. It seemed hopeless.


My Observations

  • When I see someone being wronged, I can ask GOD to intercede.
  • GOD lets me know that prayer is more powerful than thieves, even though it doesn’t feel that way in the moment.
  • Vengeance is for the LORD so my participation is for all people involved to receive HIS mercy.


It is painful to watch someone try to steal people’s hearts. I mean, those who are hurt try their best to keep other people hurt because misery loves company. BUT GOD holds the key to that situation.


It takes faith to let go of the obvious trap you can see someone walking into. GOD sees the heart of those who are being victimized and those who are being predators. HE hears your prayers even though you may have to participate from a distance. I am glad GOD intervenes and intercedes for those HE is bringing back to HIM.



  • What “other people” is the writer speaking about?
  • Can you feel the writers pain and passion for everyone he spoke the gospel to?
  • If you see someone intentionally trying to hurt someone and you are not able to directly intervene, will you participate anyway by asking GOD for HIS protection and mercy?

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Message Received

Message Received

Galatians 4: 12 I beg you, my friends, be like me. After all, I am like you. You have not done me any wrong. 13 You remember why I preached the gospel to you the first time; it was because I was sick. 14 But even though my physical condition was a great trial to you, you did not despise or reject me. Instead, you received me as you would an angel from heaven; you received me as you would Christ Jesus. 15 You were so happy! What has happened? I myself can say that you would have taken out your own eyes, if you could, and given them to me. 16 Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?




Communication was getting messy. I would say something but the other person would hear it differently than what was in my heart. Somehow the message that I sent was not the message that was received.


  • I felt like giving up on communicating.
  • I felt like my words would be twisted no matter what was said.
  • I felt a strong concern for those I sent a message to.


At one point the people of Galatia could hear the words of CHRIST through Paul. But over time, they turned away from the message and started following those who spoke of the latest trend. Paul begs for them to return to their first love, namely CHRIST.


My Observations

  • It is understandable to want out of my trials so GOD is patient with me.
  • I have a tendency to want plans to go “my” way so GOD speaks softly to me until I hear HIM.
  • Even in the middle of my pain, suffering or agony GOD can be my purpose.


No one likes to suffer so when someone speaks about relief, it is instantly accepted by the masses. “Just take one of these” or “Simply do this and your problems will clear up” are the fallacies the world wants me to believe. BUT GOD says something different.


In the middle of my pain, GOD wants me to say “JESUS is LORD of my life, the rock of my salvation, whom shall I fear.” HE knows Satan introduces me to strange personalities named “Fear of my future” and “I don’t want to be sick” and “Be comfortable at all costs.”  All are okay when they include CHRIST as the provider, but sometimes I leave HIM and follow them. I am glad GOD reminds me HE is in control.



  • Do you hear the appeal from the writer?
  • What is the writer trying to get everyone to do?
  • Will you look beyond your fears, worries and doubts and turn back to CHRIST as the only answer today?

Wednesday, March 9, 2022



Galatians 4: In the past you did not know God, and so you were slaves of beings who are not gods. But now that you know God—or, I should say, now that God knows you—how is it that you want to turn back to those weak and pitiful ruling spirits? Why do you want to become their slaves all over again? 10 You pay special attention to certain days, months, seasons, and years. 11 I am worried about you! Can it be that all my work for you has been for nothing?




Walking into the tryouts we listened to the orientation. We had run track in high school so we figured that we would try the college level. “You must get up for the 5 AM run, eat breakfast with the team, go to all classes and meet back here for practice followed by study each day.” We looked at each other, laughed and walked away.


  • I was not committed to that much work.
  • I wanted to try a little bit of everything that was supposed to be “good” for me without committing.
  • I complained about anything early because I wanted to party late at night.


Paul expresses concerns over those who have turned back to the ways they had given up. Some people may have tried to follow JESUS for a little while, but saw the “ruling spirits” controlled comfort and false security, so they dropped JESUS and sought the weak and pitiful.


My Observations

  • JESUS says to me “Once I will set you free, you are free indeed.”
  • JESUS says to me “Remain in ME and I will remain in you.”
  • JESUS says to me “I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.”


It is so easy to leave JESUS. I mean, the structure of the world pulls us away from thinking of HIM. Whether it is being over-scheduled or ailments or addictions or insecurities that cause us to desire to fit in, we easily trade in what is eternal for something temporary. BUT GOD knows this too.


HE knows my weak moments and forgives me anyway. HE sees through plots of the enemy that will distract me away from HIM and provides me with comfort and joy. I am glad GOD cares enough to seek me and know me.



  • What is the writer saying with the words “or, I should say, now that GOD knows you?”
  • What do you think was going on with the people who wanted to turn back to something easier?
  • Will you commit your life to JESUS little by little so you can grow strong enough to not turn away from HIM so you can bear fruit that will last eternally?

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

You are MINE


You are MINE

Galatians 4: To show that you are his children, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who cries out, “Father, my Father.” So then, you are no longer a slave but a child. And since you are his child, God will give you all that he has for his children.




“Come on in” were the words I heard throughout the neighborhood. I sat at several tables for meals and played games over their houses. They invited me in as if to say “You are part of the family.”


  • I had nothing to offer.
  • I could only receive gifts and had none to give.
  • I felt a sense of belonging.


Paul speaks about how intimate THE FATHER wants to be with HIS creation. This passage also speaks about THE SON and THE HOLY SPIRIT working together to provide a family for the lost and weary.


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to have everything HE has so HE rescued me from my sin.
  • GOD wants to give me HIS all so HE died for me and was raised from the dead.
  • GOD wants the best for me so HE lives inside me to plead for me, comfort me and guide me.


“You are MY child” is something special GOD says to all who believe in HIS SON. Giving up everything for us is quite enough. Unfortunately we have an adversary who wants us to want more. He blinds us to want material wealth or political or social power.


GOD says “You are MINE” in spite of my sin and forgive me for my disrespectful behavior towards HIM. HE even takes me into HIS family and dines with me. JESUS said “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears MY voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with ME.” I am grateful GOD brings us into HIS family forever.



  • What elements of assurance does the writer speak about?
  • Have you ever had a part of you that you wish you could do better in, but simply could not?
  • Will you stop trying the exhaustive path of temporary happiness and seek GOD’s family where HE will give you everything HE has today?

Monday, March 7, 2022

Ready for the Right Time

Ready for the Right Time

Galatians 4: But now to continue—the son who will receive his father's property is treated just like a slave while he is young, even though he really owns everything. While he is young, there are men who take care of him and manage his affairs until the time set by his father. In the same way, we too were slaves of the ruling spirits of the universe before we reached spiritual maturity. But when the right time finally came, God sent his own Son. He came as the son of a human mother and lived under the Jewish Law, to redeem those who were under the Law, so that we might become God's children.




Not being able to drive, or stay at home by myself for days at a time was frustrating. “When will I ever become an adult!?” I said. “Take your time” were the words of wisdom many adults said to me, but I did not want to hear them.


  • I wanted to take on responsibilities without knowing how to be responsible.
  • I wanted to reach the finish line without running the race.
  • I wanted to control “my” destiny without knowing the destination.



Paul speaks about becoming spiritually mature. At one point we were driven by the spirits of the universe that cause us to question GOD and tempt us into making decisions that would distance ourselves from HIM. BUT GOD was taking care of HIS immature flock until the right time.


My Observations

  • GOD sees my immaturity and takes care of me anyway.
  • Many times I wanted to be spiritually mature, BUT GOD says to me “have patience.”
  • GOD’s timing seems slow until I see HIS plan unfold at the right time.


Thinking I know the “right time” for my own maturity is a joke. I mean, it would be like a toddler saying “I declare myself an adult, please change my diaper and feed me.” GOD knows my spiritual maturity level and wants me to grow. HE puts my in situations that I don’t like, but when I come through them I feel more mature.


With GOD, it’s not about age but action. When I was a child I believed quicker and more wholeheartedly. That was very mature. I am glad GOD brings me back into HIS family as one of HIS children.



  • What does the writer say about “spiritual maturity?”
  • Who, in this passage, decided the “right time” to save all of humanity?
  • Do you desire to be grown up in the LORD?
  • Will you have patience and allow GOD to grow you at the right time?