Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Missed Because of Purpose

Acts 20: 36 When Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed. 37 They all wept as they embraced him and kissed him. 38 What grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again. Then they accompanied him to the ship.


Looking back, the people I missed the most were those who had integrity. I mean, these were the people who taught me something I still use to this very day. Their selflessness opened my eyes to a whole new way of behavior. I remember them fondly.

  • There were people in my life who had a sense of purpose.
  • There were people in my life who spoke “the” truth versus “a” truth.
  • There were people in my life who taught me to spread the love of JESUS.

Paul finished speaking to the group of leaders who were strong followers of CHRIST and knelt down to pray. They wept because Paul told them they would never see him again. He demonstrated and spoke with integrity about JESUS. Though they grieved, they understood.

  • GOD understands when I grieve over the loss of a person.
  • GOD wants me to live my life with HIS purpose so when HE removes me from people HE sent me to, I would have fulfilled what HE told me to do.
  • GOD want me to point my life to HIS everlasting life so they can have HIS give of love forever.

With JESUS being the purpose of my life, I can fulfill what HE wants me to do with everyone around me. I can also recognize when others are living their life with purpose. Even if we are separated and I cannot see them for a while, I know it will not be forever.

I will have an eternity to spend with those who believe in JESUS and lived their life with purpose. I will miss those who have gone before me, but my grief for them is not forever. I am grateful GOD has put people in my life who have lived for HIS purpose.

  • Are you living your life for GOD’s purpose?
  • Do you want people to miss you or are you preparing them for eternal life with you and JESUS?
  • Will you live your life with purpose that GOD has given you so you can shorten the grief of others if you are separated from them today?

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Hard Work

Acts 20: 32 “Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. 33 I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. 34 You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. 35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”


After staying up all night many nights, I finally finished parts of the project that were difficult to complete. The hard work was done. When the project debuted, it was a huge success. Everyone at the convention came to see the shiny new thing. But when approached to feed the homeless I said, “I’m too busy.”

  • There were many times when I was willing to work hard for money.
  • There were many times when I was willing to receive accolades for projects to make others rich.
  • There were many times when I was willing to exhaust myself over pleasing the very wealthy.

Paul was about to reach the conclusion of his plea to the leaders who came to visit him. He committed them to GOD and then told them about his views on serving and money. He let them know he did not desire their money or clothes rather he wanted to serve the weak by hard work.

  • GOD wants me to remember the poor and those who are weak.
  • GOD wants me to seek those who have fallen on hard times.
  • GOD wants me to work hard so I can give to those who are in need.

Remembering those who are in need takes work. I mean, it is easy to work hard for the rich to become rich. BUT GOD wants me to remember why I work hard. HE wants me to remember those who are in need and will remain in need. HE wants me to see people with compassion versus being a problem. I am grateful GOD chose me to be a laborer for HIM.

  • Are you working hard?
  • Do you come home exhausted, never once thinking of someone in need?
  • Will you reserve a small amount of time to think of at least one person who needs something from you today so GOD can be shown through your actions?

Monday, September 28, 2020

Serve and Protect

Acts 20: 25 “Now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching the kingdom will ever see me again. 26 Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of any of you. 27 For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. 28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. 29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.


After attending the leadership class, I thought I was ready to lead the department. I mean, I learned skills on how to work with other’s nicely and how to value the opinions of one another.

When the budget meeting came up, the other department leaders acted like voracious wolves, stopping at nothing to get more money and people. “Wait, I thought we were supposed to be nice. Maybe I should be tough like them”

  • There were times when I misinterpreted what a leader should be.
  • There were times when I thought a leader was supposed to build “a” truth for themselves.
  • There were times when I considered lying to others, sabotaging others or protecting “my” ideas so “I” could get credit or noticed.

Paul was making a final plea to the leaders he summoned to meet with. He knew he was called to a place where he might be jailed or killed for speaking about JESUS as LORD and Savior. He gave explicit directions and warnings to the leaders on how to truly lead.

  • GOD wants me to serve others by guarding my own heart with HIS word.
  • GOD wants me to protect HIS flock by explaining JESUS died for all, and those who believe in the need for salvation will be saved through HIM.
  • GOD wants me to watch out for those who will claim to be leaders of the flock, but are really out to protect their status or wallet.

Leading GOD’s people can only be done in Spirit and truth. Unfortunately, there will be many who distort the truth for their convenience. BUT GOD has a remedy. HE revealed just enough of HIS Word for anyone who desires to get to know HIM, to follow.

HE sent the HOLY SPIRIT to open my heart and the hearts of those who truly want to follow HIM, to follow the examples of JESUS, knowing HE is the only one who gave HIS “hands” and “feet” on the cross. I am grateful JESUS was and is willing to be the leader of my life.

  • Are you a leader?
  • Do you blame leaders?
  • Will you listen to GOD and become a leader who serves others and protects them with HIS word and the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT today?

Friday, September 25, 2020

Compelled and Warned

Acts 20: 22 “And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. 23 I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. 24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.


Tired of living a lie, I took a deep breath and started telling people about my relationship with JESUS at work. I noticed a freedom I had not felt in years. I started telling “the” truth versus “a” truth. No longer could I settle for spinning bad news into some kind of positive myth.

Many people noticed and like hearing the truth. BUT the SPIRIT warned me there would be wealthy, powerful people who did not like the truth being told. HE prepared me to lose the job.

  • There was a time when I had to say “no more of this.”
  • There was a time when I had to stop cowering and pretending to live for GOD.
  • There was a time when I had to choose who I really served.

Paul spoke to the elders of Ephesus after bypassing their city. He told them of the hardships he faced, speaking about JESUS. He said he was “compelled by the SPRIT” to go to Jerusalem where he would surely face imprisonment. Why would he do that? Because he had purpose.

  • GOD wants me to give my life to HIM.
  • GOD wants me to accept the task of testifying the good news of GOD’s grace.
  • GOD wants me to complete the task the LORD JESUS has given me, namely to tell everyone about HIS death and resurrection to eternal life, saving anyone who believes in HIM.

When my life matters to me more than GOD, then I make fear filled decisions. I say “What if I get hurt?” or “What if I lose my job?” or “What if I am not liked?” GOD is not harsh, HE simply wants dedication to HIS SON who did so much for me that I cannot ever repay HIM.

My life is not “mine” it’s HIS. My family, business, home, friends, neighbors, job and stuff are all HIS. As much as I’d like to hold onto those things, they are HIS to take or expand. True freedom is being able to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT in spreading the news about JESUS. I am grateful GOD thinks enough of me to give me this task.

  • Are you trying to hold onto something?
  • Are your decisions based on fear?
  • Will you allow GOD to guide you into letting go of what you are trying to hold onto; so HE can lead you to the true plan HE has for you, giving you abundant and eternal life today?

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Resilience Boot Camp

Acts 20: 17 From Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church. 18 When they arrived, he said to them: “You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I came into the province of Asia. 19 I served the Lord with great humility and with tears and in the midst of severe testing by the plots of my Jewish opponents. 20 You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. 21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.


“Maybe I am a weakling” I said to myself after doing a disappointing number of pushups. Well at least in my mind the number was disappointing. I could not lift as much weight as the “strong” people in the gym and when people commented on how skinny I was, it seemed to cut to the bone.

  • There were times when I thought I was not as good as those people over there.
  • There were times when I thought my body, hair and skin was wrong.
  • There were times when I thought I was inadequate for most things.

Paul sent for the elders of Ephesus after passing it on his way to Jerusalem. When they arrived, he explained what he went through. He told them about the difficult times he had while preaching about JESUS. He also stated he did not stop.

  • GOD wants me to live my life for HIS purpose.
  • GOD wants me to dwell on JESUS being the solution rather than repeating the problem over and over.
  • GOD wants me to serve the LORD with great humility so I can survive severe testing and be bold to publicly teach about JESUS to all races.

Going through difficulties is never ever fun. BUT GOD loves when I grow up to expect difficulties in life. HE also loves when I keep preaching about HIM even when it is not popular or welcome. HE knows I will face opposition when I speak about HIS love. I am grateful HE protects me in spite of the enemy’s attacks. In HIM I am more than adequate, I am a child of GOD.

  • Are you going through a difficult time?
  • Are you depending on support from people who “like” your words, but could care less about your eternal life?
  • Will you stop chasing human approval and seek GOD as your life’s purpose, speaking and teaching JESUS as the Savior today?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Make Time

Acts 20: 13 We went on ahead to the ship and sailed for Assos, where we were going to take Paul aboard. He had made this arrangement because he was going there on foot. 14 When he met us at Assos, we took him aboard and went on to Mitylene. 15 The next day we set sail from there and arrived off Chios. The day after that we crossed over to Samos, and on the following day arrived at Miletus. 16 Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus to avoid spending time in the province of Asia, for he was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem, if possible, by the day of Pentecost.


Clearing my schedule, I started doing lots of work. Three was a huge event at work that I had to prepare for. I spent a couple of days preparing. I then went to several people to see if I got all the information right. This one day was going to be special because I made time to prepare.

  • I have made time for special events.
  • I have made time for special occasions.
  • I have made time for special celebrations.

Paul was on a mission to make it back to Jerusalem by the day of Pentecost. Perhaps he wanted to be in the place where Peter spoke so powerfully that tongues of fire appeared. Paul reserved time to remember what JESUS did when HE sent the HOLY SPIRIT.

  • GOD wants me to make time for HIM.
  • GOD wants me to remember HIM often.
  • GOD wants me to seek HIS face daily.

Making time for GOD is highly important. Unfortunately, there have been many times when HE has come second or third or tenth in my life. I mean, when it came to listening to someone preach or to set up a convention where tens of thousands would attend, I chose the convention.

People would say, “It’s only that one time” but the next and the next times came quickly. Soon, speaking about GOD was only a distant memory which eventually turned into a “fear of offending someone.” GOD wants me to worship HIM in spirit and truth. I am glad HE is always available to me in prayer.

  • Are you too busy to spend time with GOD?
  • Has GOD called you to do something but you are too busy?
  • Will you make time for GOD today?

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

So Much to Say

Acts 20: On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight. There were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting. Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. 10 Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “He’s alive!” 11 Then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate. After talking until daylight, he left. 12 The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted.


After returning from the day at the amusement park, I was elated. This was my first time visiting the wonderful, fun-filled location. The next day I went over a friend’s house. I had so much to say. Somehow I spoke on the subject for hours because we shared our varied experiences.

  • There have been times when I was so excited about something, that I could speak for hours.
  • There have been times when I sat with a group of people who were just as excited about the thing I was excited about.
  • There have been times when I talked for hours on a subject simply because I was amazed.

Paul was about to leave so a group of people ate with him while he spoke. By now, Paul had been rescued by GOD on many occasions, so he had a lot to say. Eutychus, may have been excited, but was extremely tired.

While tragedy happened when he fell out the window and died, Paul proved the power of GOD by raising him from the dead. The humorous part of the story is Paul now had even more to say.

  • GOD wants me to have an abundant life.
  • GOD wants me to speak about past experiences I’ve had with HIM.
  • GOD wants me to seek new experiences with HIM, telling people about JESUS along the way.

Believing in JESUS is a wonderful start to an abundant life. I mean, it is the belief that changed my life into a person who seeks GOD daily. The rotten situations that I go through turn into testimonies of GOD’s power. I have nothing to brag about, only praise for JESUS who gave me purpose.

  • Do you have an abundant life with GOD?
  • What experiences have you had that people need to hear about?
  • Will you tell people about the situations GOD has brought you through so they can do the same with others?

Monday, September 21, 2020

Cured by Encouragement

Acts 20: When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples and, after encouraging them, said goodbye and set out for Macedonia. He traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people, and finally arrived in Greece, where he stayed three months. Because some Jews had plotted against him just as he was about to sail for Syria, he decided to go back through Macedonia. He was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, Gaius from Derbe, Timothy also, and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia. These men went on ahead and waited for us at Troas. But we sailed from Philippi after the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined the others at Troas, where we stayed seven days.


Feeling lost, I attended a meeting with other out of work people. “What am I going to get out of this?” I asked myself. I mean, I should be meeting people with jobs, not people who are down and out like me. Someone approached me and introduced himself. He had been out of work for a year. He smiled and encouraged me. I felt better. Maybe this group isn’t so bad.

  • Many times I needed to hear encouraging words.
  • Many times I just wanted to hear that it would be alright.
  • Many times I desired to hear I was on the right path.

Paul gathered the disciples after the riot. Some were probably a little shaken, especially those who were grabbed and put in front of the public. He encouraged them without making the situation seem lighter than it was. Paul left and went to other places, spreading encouragement.

  • GOD gives me access to people who can encourage me.
  • GOD sees my troubles and heals me when I encourage others in the middle of my troubles.
  • GOD grows me to encourage people who are going through something I have been through or I am going through right now.

People need relief, especially when difficult times seem to go on and on. Encouragement is in short supplies these days. When I am feeling low, sometimes the best way out is to speak life and encourage someone. When I hear the words I am saying, it ministers to me, sometimes more than the person I am speaking to. I am grateful GOD has sent the HOLY SPIRIT to comfort me.

  • Are you troubled?
  • Does it seem like there is no way out of your situation?
  • Will you be encouraged that GOD hears your cry and wants to use this situation to bless many people through you and only you?
  • Will you encourage someone today even in the middle of your troubles?

Friday, September 18, 2020

False Facts

Acts 19: 35 The city clerk quieted the crowd and said: “Fellow Ephesians, doesn’t all the world know that the city of Ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis and of her image, which fell from heaven? 36 Therefore, since these facts are undeniable, you ought to calm down and not do anything rash. 37 You have brought these men here, though they have neither robbed temples nor blasphemed our goddess. 38 If, then, Demetrius and his fellow craftsmen have a grievance against anybody, the courts are open and there are proconsuls. They can press charges. 39 If there is anything further you want to bring up, it must be settled in a legal assembly. 40 As it is, we are in danger of being charged with rioting because of what happened today. In that case we would not be able to account for this commotion, since there is no reason for it.” 41 After he had said this, he dismissed the assembly.


With passion, I quoted some information to a group. After many moments of arguing, someone pulled me to the side and said “The information you are quoting is wrong.” The person showed me the correct information and I was thoroughly embarrassed. I had to now, go and correct what I had passionately argued over.

  • There were times when I wanted to be heard more than being right.
  • There were times when I wanted to exert power, so I got into arguments.
  • There were times when I quoted things as fact when they may not have been true.

An official of the city was finally able to quiet the rioting. But when he spoke, he told everyone about Ephesus being the guardian of the temple goddess Artemis and her relationship with heaven. He quoted this as an undeniable fact. The crowd dispersed, but what was heard?

  • GOD wants me to learn about HIM.
  • GOD wants me to understand HE is the only GOD.
  • GOD wants me to speak the truth about JESUS being the one and only SON of GOD.

Being part of a group can sometimes outweigh telling the truth. I mean, when I feel empowered to speak “a” truth, it feels good to be validated by a local group. BUT GOD wants me to be brave enough to speak “the” truth.

GOD is the only GOD. There is no other. HIS SON, JESUS, along with the HOLY SPIRIT are inseparable, all knowing, all seeing and all powerful. HE revealed facts that cannot be refuted and JESUS’ return cannot be stopped. I am grateful for these facts in which I live my life by.

  • What facts are you willing to die over?
  • Are the facts you live by worth losing eternal life?
  • Will you place your passion on JESUS versus manmade facts that conveniently change often?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Wanting To Be Angry

Acts 19: 32 The assembly was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there. 33 The Jews in the crowd pushed Alexander to the front, and they shouted instructions to him. He motioned for silence in order to make a defense before the people. 34 But when they realized he was a Jew, they all shouted in unison for about two hours: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”


“Why is it so dismal today?” I asked. “Why is traffic so heavy today?” I asked. “Why is that guy driving so stupid?” I asked. “Why don’t they just open up some lines at this grocery store?” I asked. Each complaint was met with silence because I was by myself. If someone looked at me the wrong way, I was ready to fight.

  • There were times when I wanted to be angry.
  • There were times when I wanted to complain about everything.
  • There were times when I wanted to be in a bad mood; even if an issue was remedied, I may have complained about how it was handled.

Many people in the angry mob didn’t even know why they were there. They just wanted to be angry and went along with the crowd. When Alexander, a Jew, tried to settle things down, the crowd saw through the ploy and shouted their allegiance to the goddess Artemis.

  • GOD wants me to have peace.
  • GOD wants me to investigate my rage and anger.
  • GOD wants me to trade my anger in for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control, namely the fruit of the Spirit.

Rage and anger bears no fruit. It does get someone’s attention, but should not be the method of change. GOD says “Bear fruit.” What better fruit to bear than that of the fruit of the Spirit. Many sinful situations need to be resolved in society. All situations can be resolved using the fruit of the Spirit. I am grateful JESUS used the fruit of the Spirit to save me.

  • What are you angry about?
  • Do you quickly get angry and stay there without remedy?
  • Will you remediate your rage by applying the fruit of the Spirit today?

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Acts 19: 28 When they heard this, they were furious and began shouting: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” 29 Soon the whole city was in an uproar. The people seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul’s traveling companions from Macedonia, and all of them rushed into the theater together. 30 Paul wanted to appear before the crowd, but the disciples would not let him. 31 Even some of the officials of the province, friends of Paul, sent him a message begging him not to venture into the theater.


When I answered the door, my friends were outside asking if I could go to the party. “What party?” I asked nervously. It didn’t matter what their answer was, I knew I wouldn’t get permission to go. I thought of ways to escape the house, but there was no way out. I resorted to a tactic that never worked before. “Everyone else is going.”

  • There have been times when I have been blocked from doing something.
  • There have been times when I wanted to join the crowd but could not.
  • There have been times when I simply wanted to be part of the group without knowing what was going on.

The crowd in Ephesus was not having a party. They wanted to worship the goddess Artemis so they could make money on idols. They became furious over Paul’s words of love stating JESUS was and is the only GOD. A mob formed and protests took to the street. Many people didn’t know who they were angry at, but some did and seized Paul’s companions. Paul was blocked.

  • GOD wants me to have the heart to serve.
  • GOD wants me to be confident in HIS protection.
  • GOD wants me to use wisdom rather than emotion.

Rushing in when the situation is heated leads to hurt people and no resolution. Unfortunately, this fight had to happen. I mean, when everything was calm, the greedy people lulled others into following a false god. But the true GOD was being overlooked. GOD wants me to be ready to speak about JESUS, not just say the word “GOD.” I am glad HE enables me to freely speak about HIM.

  • Are you being blocked when it comes to speaking about JESUS?
  • Is the situation too volatile to say the name of JESUS?
  • Will you have patience because GOD hears you and will make a way for you to continue to speak on HIS behalf?

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Worthless Commerce

Acts 19: 23 About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way. 24 A silversmith named Demetrius, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought in a lot of business for the craftsmen there. 25 He called them together, along with the workers in related trades, and said: “You know, my friends, that we receive a good income from this business. 26 And you see and hear how this fellow Paul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia. He says that gods made by human hands are no gods at all. 27 There is danger not only that our trade will lose its good name, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be discredited; and the goddess herself, who is worshiped throughout the province of Asia and the world, will be robbed of her divine majesty.”


Needing money, I quickly thought of ideas for businesses that would bring in income quickly. I looked at triangle shaped schemes, get rich quick investments and begging a crowd for a few dollars each. None of them had any appeal. I felt lost.

  • There were times when I worried about money.
  • There were times when I considered doing “anything” for money.
  • There were times when I felt desperate enough to do something “temporarily” for money that GOD would not be pleased with.

Demetrius was a wealthy, known businessman in the community. He brought the business community together to speak against Paul, who was speaking about JESUS being GOD. Demetrius knew his business would be hurt if people believed in JESUS. Instead of changing professions, he formed a mob.

  • GOD wants me to keep HIS ways in front of me.
  • GOD wants me to base my decisions on HIS commands.
  • GOD wants me to let HIM handle those who will not follow HIM.

Desperation for money can bring on some extreme thoughts. I mean, when I walked in fear, I would lie cheat and steal to get a few dollars. BUT GOD showed me another way. GOD wants me to show love rather than hate when it comes to business.

HE is pleased when I pray for my enemies and treat all people fairly. Bowing down to GOD shows HIM I fear HIM in a healthy way. I am grateful HIS way is always solid.

  • Are you lying to yourself about your profession?
  • Is GOD pleased at what you do on your job or your business?
  • Will you look at the examples of JESUS and believe only in HIM for your next move?

Monday, September 14, 2020


Acts 19: 21 After all this had happened, Paul decided to go to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia. “After I have been there,” he said, “I must visit Rome also.” 22 He sent two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia, while he stayed in the province of Asia a little longer.


Wanting to be better, I took class after class after class. I read about areas where I felt I was deficient. When I felt I was ready, I mustered up the confidence to ask for certain positions that allowed me to rise to higher levels. I did what it took to make things happen.

  • There were times when I worked extremely hard to achieve “my” goal.
  • There were times when I studied hard to fully understand how to reach “my” goal.
  • There were times when I felt I just had to do something to satisfy “my” goal.

Paul traveled all over, spreading the gospel of JESUS. He felt led to also go to Rome. He knew this was going to be a very difficult place so he prepared himself and sent two of his younger helpers away to another location. He was driven to speak the truth about JESUS.

  • GOD wants me to be ready to speak about JESUS at a moment’s notice.
  • GOD wants me to be brave enough to speak about JESUS, not just imply HIM.
  • GOD wants me to be prepared to speak about my relationship with JESUS as often as I can.

When JESUS placed the HOLY SPIRIT inside me, HE did not mean for me to remain silent and hide what HE did for me. HE wants me to speak about HIM, pray with people and show silent examples. Life is all about JESUS. I am grateful HE leads me and allows to speak about HIM.

  • What are you trying to accomplish?
  • Do you think your accomplishment will make you “better?”
  • Will you add telling someone about JESUS to your purpose in life today?

Friday, September 11, 2020

Scared Straight

Acts 19: 17 When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. 18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. 19 A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. 20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.


“Jackpot, I found a checkbook” a friend of mine said. Broke and hungry we thought of ways we could use this to our advantage, although I felt something say “this is wrong.” We didn’t want to “steal” so we simply went to the grocery store and bought goods that would last us a month. On the way home my car broke down. The cost to repair was almost exactly half of what we spent.

  • There were times when I knew I was doing something wrong but did it anyway.
  • There were times when I lied to myself, trying to justify what I knew was wrong.
  • There were times when I thought I could get away with something only to find myself in a worse spot.

Some people who wanted notoriety, tried to cast out demons in the name of JESUS who Paul preached about. A demon responded to them through the possessed man and stripped them naked, beating them bloody in the process. The news of this scared many. They believed in JESUS, confessed what they had done and turned from their deep sin.

  • GOD wants me to come to HIM when I am not scared.
  • GOD wants me to believe in JESUS when things are going well.
  • GOD wants me to accept HIS gift of love when I am not worried, afraid or hurt.

Love is shown by GOD all the time. Unfortunately, I ignore it until something goes wrong. Sometimes something major has to go wrong for me to turn my eyes to GOD. Fortunately for me, GOD is gentle, kind, peaceful and full of love.

Not only does HE allow me to choose a path of calamity, HE does not rub it in my face when I return to HIM, begging HIM for forgiveness. Instead, HE welcomes me back with open loving arms. I am glad GOD’s grace is sufficient.

  • Are you hiding something?
  • Do you think you are getting away with the thing you did?
  • How long do you want to remain a prisoner to your hidden sin?
  • Will you confess publicly what you have done and turn away from your sins by believing JESUS is your Savior today?

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Being Known

Acts 19: 11 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.

13 Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, “In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.” 14 Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. 15 One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” 16 Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.


Traveling with the top executive of the company had its perks. We had a long layover at an airport so we went to an exclusive area where we could wait and eat. When I got to the door they asked me my name. I told her and she replied “I’m sorry, we don’t have your name on our list.” “Oh, he’s with me” the executive said. They let me in. “One day…” I said to myself.

  • There were times when I wanted to be known.
  • There were times when I wanted to be in the club.
  • There were times when I wanted to have a name for myself, not just ride on someone else’s name.

GOD did extraordinary miracles through Paul. Seven sons of Sceva saw Paul’s popularity and tried to fight demons using JESUS’ and Paul’s names. One demon replied, “JESUS I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” Their desire to be known backfired.

  • GOD is pleased with me because I gave my life to HIM.
  • GOD knows me through my relationship with JESUS.
  • GOD has written my name in HIS hand so no one can rip me away from HIS saving grace.

Being known by GOD is the single most important relationship to crave. Celebrities rise and fall, BUT GOD remains forever. Exclusive clubs where humans gather will be torn down as JESUS steps into the picture upon HIS return. Until then, GOD wants me to make HIS name known even if people do not know my name. I am glad JESUS knows me and I know HIM.

  • Are you seeking to make a name for yourself?
  • Do you want to be known by associating your name with a celebrity?
  • Will you stop seeking the spotlight for a moment and allow JESUS to be known through you?