Friday, June 18, 2010

Your secret is "no secret!"

Romans 2:14(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) 16This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.


Sin is an amazing thing. I remember when... (this sounds like I'm old), but I remember when I was a child wanting a popsicle from the ice cream truck. Having no money, I took some from my father's fifty cent piece collection.

Of course I didn't tell him. By the way, he is reading this message right now. This little crime was going to be my secret. I guess I didn't plan this out very well. My parents asked me how I was able to buy a popsicle. I thought of my trusty lie "I don't know", I said.

Well the rest is history and I don't have to go into the details of my punishment. Let's just say I probably didn't sit down for a while. Sin is like the scenario I just detailed. It's like a kid who doesn't quite think about everything, especially the consequences.

  • My sinful secrets are not secret to GOD. 
  • My sinful secrets will be exposed to humans, on this earth, in my lifetime. 
  • My sinful secrets hold me back from exclaiming GOD's righteousness.
  • My sinful secrets grow shame so I work harder to wear a mask of doing well.

I have learned to tell “all” of my secrets. Paul warns me that GOD will judge my secrets and my conscience, thoughts and heart will be witnesses against me. In other words, I will have no excuse.

  • GOD wrote HIS law on my heart. 
  • GOD only has one requirement, believe HIS SON died when I was the guilty party. 
  • GOD will judge if “I believe” or “reject” HIS SON.


Many people think following JESUS is being good, going to church and giving money. Unfortunately a lot of good people will go to Hell because they do not believe in JESUS as the replacement of their guilt.


They believe "anything goes" in their lives and they can do things in secret while putting on the front of being good in public. I have felt this way when my lust flared over sex, material things or power.


GOD says "nothing is hidden from ME." My battle is believing that every time I sin I take GOD with me and force HIM to watch the rejection of HIS goodness. Yes, HE understands I’m a sinner, but this is no excuse.


This scripture is one of the main reasons I try my best not to cheat people, lie or commit some other sin. I don't always succeed, but when I do, GOD is there to cheer me on!
  • What "secrets" do you have?
  • Do you really think you "got away with" your sin?
  • What would happen if your "secret" were posted on the news?
  • Does your lifestyle glorify GOD or is your "secret" holding you back?
  • Can you openly confess your "secret" to your loved ones and remove your guilt?


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