Thursday, November 4, 2010

I want to know JESUS!

Philippians 3:10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.


"What a strange dream I'm having" I thought to myself. I dreamt that a choir was singing and a person was preaching then the usher woke me up because church was over. Well, I guess I missed that sermon, but at least I did my duty of going to church that day. “I hope next week the sermon will be better” I thought smugly.

  • JESUS forgave me for a reason.
  • JESUS forgave me to have a relationship with me.
  • JESUS forgave me so that I could get to know HIM.
  • JESUS forgave me so that I could spend eternity with HIM.

For many years I thought church was a place developed for me to hear great sermons, feel good about myself and go home to do it all again the next week. Little did I know JESUS wants something much greater.

  • JESUS wants me to want HIM
  • JESUS wants me to learn about HIS ways.
  • JESUS wants me to grow up spiritually so I won’t fall into the same traps.

Once I started reading the Bible for myself and seeking GOD I learned that HE wants my heart transformed. HE wants me to know HIM intimately and in an understanding way so I can help others do the same. HE knows my sin nature blinds me to HIS love so it takes extra effort for me to actually give HIM credit when HE deserves it and to stop blaming HIM when He shouldn’t.  

  • To know JESUS is to know GOD.
  • To know GOD is to know love.
  • To know love is to know compassion.
  • To know compassion is to serve others.

Now that I know JESUS I can join in HIS suffering. HE suffers when one of HIS humans denies HIS salvation or even HIS existence. It’s not up to me to beat lessons about GOD over their heads, rather it is up to me to absorb HIS teaching and apply it to my life so others can see GOD working in my life.

Money, fame and power are the things I try to obtain, BUT knowing JESUS is the best thing to obtain.

  • Do you need a change in your life?
  • Are you making efforts to know JESUS?
  • Can you change your life to join in HIS adventure?

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