Tuesday, April 19, 2011

GOD revealed exactly what I needed!

Revelation 10: 3 and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. 4 And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down.”


Physics was one of my favorite subjects. I know what you are thinking…“Nerd!” Yes you are right. This is the study of physical science, in other words “what I can see.” This science answers “what,” sometimes answers “when” and maybe answers “how” but it never answers “why.”

Oh yes, famous theories have developed trying to answer “why” but they could never be proven. This confused me so I began to ask “where does GOD live,” “why do I have to experience pain,” “If HE is GOD then why doesn’t HE just zap me into heaven and get rid of sin and evil?” My scientific minded questions were bathed in unbelief.
  • GOD created everything for HIMSELF.
  • There are many things GOD created that humans may never see.
  • GOD revealed just enough for me to survive on this temporary planet because HE doesn’t want me to set up permanent residence.
  • There are words and plans GOD has for the future that HE has not revealed to me.

I am made for GOD not the other way around. HE is the one who has all the plans and I am the one who needs to yield my will and follow them. HIS limitless power and authority are unmatched, yet HE reduced himself to my level to save me.

When I get frustrated and ask “why”, the only place I can get answers is from GOD and now I understand that HE has the authority to say “because I want ‘it’ that way.” Yielding my will takes faith. The more I do it the more I’m blessed. GOD has revealed HIS love for me and that’s all I need.

  • Are you asking GOD “why” right now?
  • Has HE answered you?
  • Have you asked “why” do YOU love me so much?
  • Will you study to see what you are being “saved” from?

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