Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I have an arsenal available to me

2 Corinthians 10:The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.


“Woe is me” I thought to myself many times. I mean “that” person didn’t treat me right or I didn’t win the contest or I was broke again or someone including myself felt sick. “Can’t I ever get ‘my’ way?

  • I fight against GOD when what I want isn’t what I need.
  • I struggle with GOD when HE delays my deliverance.
  • I wrestle with GOD when I lose my faith in HIM and try to go my own way.

There is something inside me that says “this GOD stuff is too hard, give up and go your own way.” The problem with that crazy statement is “which way can I go outside of GOD?” The very thought that I can do better without GOD puts me on the wrong path. Soon my thoughts attack HIS intentions and even still they attack HIS existence. How do I combat this?

  • GOD gave me HIS Bible to keep my mind focused on HIS wonderful promises for me.
  • GOD gave me five senses to see, smell, hear, taste and touch HIM daily.
  • GOD gave me HIS HOLY SPIRIT to live inside me and comfort me when things go wrong.
  • GOD gave me HIS SON who died in my place giving me free access to the FATHER whom I can ask for anything.

This little situation or that one cannot match the weapons GOD has given me. In fact, once I assess the situation I notice my faith is really being attacked and I am tempted not to use my weapons. GOD says “try ME out and watch the outcome.” HE changes me to be stronger to handle the situation while bringing others along.

The power is with GOD and while I may not get “my” way I will get the best way!

  • Are you battling something?
  • Is there something in your life making you doubt GOD?
  • Can you look at the weapons GOD has given you to protect you?
  • Will you help someone realize GOD’s power today?

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