Friday, December 14, 2012

Batteries that go forever

2 Peter 2: 20 If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.

Refreshed was the feeling I woke up to at the leadership retreat. Three days of being away from the grind had actually charged my batteries. We spoke about concepts that I was going to try and now I had a new way of thinking.

During my first day back we faced a crisis. It was all hands on deck and people were getting a little short tempered. I was cool and calm and we got through the storm. But the next day happened and the next week happened. Finally I was back to my fast paced, high stressed old self again.  What was that retreat about again? Hmm, I can’t seem to remember the concept I was going to implement.

  • Knowing about JESUS isn’t a short term solution to an immediate problem.
  • Knowing about JESUS isn’t a way for me to keep my sin and fool myself into thinking heaven is my home.
  • Knowing about JESUS isn’t something I can just try to stop my trial and return to my old way when the situation clears up.

JESUS wants more than “knowledge” of HIM, HE wants belief. HIS death was a permanent act and so was HIS resurrection. HE will never die again and HE will remain raised forever. I can’t simply believe HE exists rather I should believe in HIS position as the only sinless human to ever walk the earth.

Now that HE has been raised, the FATHER has placed HIM back over everything. My belief needs to be directed on my need for a savior. My birth alone is reason to be sentenced to eternal separation from HIM.

  • JESUS died for me to save me from eternal separation.
  • JESUS was raised to build a special place for me to spend eternity with HIM.
  • JESUS lives for me to eradicate every sin I have and will commit.

Will I still sin? Unfortunately yes. BUT GOD is slowly changing me to love others and to love myself, to show mercy the way HE shows mercy. I have not arrived, but I’m not the same.

  • Are you living a lifestyle that is against GOD?
  • Are you secretly or overtly sinning because you have given up on GOD?
  • Can you allow GOD to give you “purpose” that will keep you from falling away from HIM?

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