Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bargaining with GOD

2 Chronicles 19:Now let the fear of the Lord be on you. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.”


“I will NEVER do that again” were my words to GOD as I had just left “that” particular sin. I desired something so I tried to refrain from sinning to obtain my longings. I waited and waited and did not get my way in the time I wanted. I got angry at GOD. I mean, “what good is it to be ‘sinless’ if those who sin seem to get their way?”

  • Sometimes I think I can manipulate GOD by refraining from certain sins for a short period of time.
  • Sometimes I think GOD owes me something for being “good.”
  • Sometimes I think I can be “sinless” for any period of time.

One mistake I have made is thinking “I” can be sinless for a month or a week or even a day. I may give up specific blatant sins and commit others I am not aware of. My motive behind refraining from sin ends up “being” sin because I want my way. 

  • GOD wants me to realize HE treats people I don’t like with love.
  • GOD wants me to understand I cannot change HIS mind with my sinfully motivated righteousness.
  • GOD wants me to know HE already loves me to HIS fullest so when I try to manipulate HIM to get my way, it’s saying to HIM. “I don’t trust YOU.”

‘I will do THIS again and again LORD, but only YOU can help me in my path” is a new thought. I will never ever be sinless while I am on this earth. JESUS knew that my birth was flawed with sin so HE took my death and placed it on HIM. HE wants me to open my eyes to show me HIS impartiality.

I have consequences and grace just like every human HE has ever created. That crazy boss or the thief who stole my tapes or the thugs who robbed me are all loved dearly in GOD’s eyes. HE has a plan for me that cannot be tarnished with my bribery. I need to trust that HIS plan for me is great.

  • Are you trying to bribe GOD?
  • Do you think you can manipulate GOD by being “good” for a period of time?
  • Can you trust GOD enough to let HIS great plan unfold in front of you?

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