Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What to Ask For

Matthew 7: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.


New to this “asking” thing, I prayed “Please, please let me win the lottery!” I was sincere and I thought my motives were right because I just wanted to “quickly” help those around me who were in debt, me included. I purchased a ticket and watched zealously. Strangely each number on my ticket was off by exactly one or two. What are the odds?

  • There have been many times I asked for the wrong things.
  • There have been many times I sought after things that were not good for me.
  • There have been many times I knocked on the door that would have led me to my destruction.

Asking, seeking and knocking are powerful, yet dangerous abilities. Sometimes I ask to get into trouble and GOD allows me to do it abundantly, then when I ask to get out of the trial, it seems like HE leaves me there long enough for me to wish I never had asked! What can I ask for?

  • GOD wants me to ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding in order to grow HIS kingdom.
  • GOD wants me to seek first HIS kingdom so HE can draw all who seek HIM back to HIM.
  • GOD wants me to knock on the hearts of those who have turned their backs on HIM.

Asking for “that” person to be successful or better yet, saved, is what I find being aligned with what GOD wants. If money is required, then I truly have to check my motives to ensure the “ask” is not rooted in all kinds of evil. GOD also wants me to seek out those who are lost. HE then wants me to press on their heart by knocking on the door of their soul.

GOD also knows my needs. HE has granted me stuff, jobs and relationships. HE even showed me the location of my lost keys. HE allows me to ask for anything, but the more I ask for things that align with what HE wants, the more my prayers are answered with “Yes, of course!”

  • Are you asking for something GOD does not want you to have?
  • When is the last time you asked for something that would enable a person to seek GOD?
  • Are you seeking GOD’s kingdom?
  • Will you allow GOD to show you how to knock on someone’s heart to accept JESUS as their Savior?

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