Friday, January 22, 2010

While you're waiting on GOD, here's something for "you" to do.

Matthew 9:35Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."


I am probably the hardest worker you will find. I remember once staying at work 36 hours to complete a proposal. I flew all over the country developing strategies to make the company more and more wealthy. During this time I never thought about the sick and helpless.

I wasn't ignoring them rather I was preoccupied with my work. "I want to do a good job", I would say to myself. This took an enormous time out of my life. Then GOD orchestrated circumstances in my life that freed up time. Yes the company reorganized and our positions were eliminated.

Suddenly I found myself on the end of requiring prayer. I was one of the "harassed and helpless" and I had no shepherd! People rallied around me and prayed, but things weren't getting any better. I am sure our prayers were as sincere as we could make them, BUT GOD remained silent.

Then GOD said to me through reading the Bible, "serve my sheep." This passage and many others show how much GOD cares for HIS humans. HE desires comfort as well as pleasure for us, yet HE knows these things are fleeting.

HE knows there will be difficult times that will require leaders who have encouraging words. JESUS saw you and I crying about our circumstances long before our existence. When HE saw the crowds of helpless people, HE saw us.

HE says something strange, "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." I find this to be strange because can't GOD just tell us exactly what to do and say? This shows me JESUS's compassion for HIS humans.

He wants me to have compassion and to know that I can't do this alone. I have to ask GOD for help. GOD wll send the right person for the right job.

I now see GOD's harvest. I fully see hurting people all over and I have compassion on them. I do not pity their situations, rather I can empathize with their struggles. GOD wants me to go as a "worker" and ask for others to do the same.

There are benefits to working now instead of waiting:
  • If I work for GOD now I get blessed in ways I don't quite understand.
  • If I work for GOD now other people praise GOD because they know my circumstances.
  • If I work for GOD now I get to see a helpless harassed person become whole.

GOD wants us to have compassion for each other. HE wants true workers.

  • Are you too caught up in your circumstances to help someone?
  • Are you waiting on GOD to help you when there is someone you should be helping?
  • Are there places you can volunteer to help those who have lost everything?

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