Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Should I "fast?" GOD says yes!

Matthew 6:16"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


Fasting seems to be a practice that has fallen by the wayside. I actually don't know why I didn't do it. I guess I never really thought it was important. It seemed like a practice of the religious fanatics.

I went on my merry way, eating all I wanted to and doing my own thing, until I ran into "life." It seems like difficult situations arise at the same time and this was no exception. While trying to work my way out of my situation, I ran into a very humble pastor who, when offered food at a meal, gently turned it down. "What's wrong?" I quickly thought and I offered him more food.

After turning down my insistent offers, he gently told me he was "fasting." Immediately I had to ask him "why?" He never got on a soap box, nor did he preach a sermon. He gently answered "there's a lot going on right now and GOD has called me to fast."

This perplexed me. What was fasting going to do? I mean it's just not eating right? Wrong. Fasting is an act of worship to GOD just like prayer. In fact fasting and prayer go hand in hand. I don't think there is any magic "to" fasting, but I do know there are supernatural results "from" fasting.

  • GOD recognizes true fasting and stores up rewards in heaven for me.
  • GOD said the only way to fight of specific evil challengers is to fast.
  • GOD wants us to recognize that the things of this world, even food, are not important.

It has been years now since I adopted the habit of fasting. I know there are various forms such as "the Daniel fast" with vegetables only, or the Moses fast with liquids only, but I like the fast with no food or water. I fast from sunrise to sunset and I don't eat or drink anything.

The first time I did this I was nervous. I got a headache and had to sit down often. I think I worked myself up about it and psychologically it was getting to me. I was going to fast until 5:00 pm and when I looked at the clock it was only 12:00 PM. "What? Five more hours? Why am I doing this?" I thought.

Then I remembered... I am supposed to pray for the circumstance when I get hungry. Each time my stomach roared:

  • I was supposed to take a moment to ask GOD to remember me and my situation.
  • I was supposed to talk to GOD about someone else's situation.
  • I was supposed to stop and pray.

Five O'clock finally came and it couldn't have come a minute sooner! I drank a glass of water and said my prayer of thanks over my food. I really meant "thanks for the food" for the first time. Right then I realized that I had never sympathized with the poor and hungry of this world. Fasting has changed my mind and helps me concentrate on prayer.

  • Have you tried fasting?
  • Can you at least miss one of three meals just to ease into it?
  • What situation can you think of that requires a little "extra" prayer right now?

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