Thursday, January 20, 2011

GOD remembers me, now I have hope!

Hebrews 6: 10 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. 11 We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. 12 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.


“Give up” were the words that flashed in my mind several times. Cheering grew louder and louder in the distance. As I turned the final corner I could see the crowd jumping and then I heard my name. My legs were so tired but the cheering seemed to give them new life. I actually caught up, passed a guy and finished the race!
  • Giving up too early makes me miss out on GOD’s blessings.
  • Giving up on people does not make me better or more faithful.
  • Giving up on GOD leaves me in the wilderness and most times in a worse position.
Finishing what I start is very important to GOD. HE sees every sincere and insincere act that I do for HIM.  HE remembers the time I helped “that” person or prayed for another. Any act of LOVE I have done is noted and remembered by GOD.

BUT GOD also knows my love will not come without opposition. There will be people who try my faith, patience, fortitude and core beliefs. HE knows the more faith I exert, the more opposition I will face, but HE wants me to “hold on.”
  • Hold on to my faith and put my trust in HIM.
  • Hold on to my family and keep loving them.
  • Hold on to my dream and be persistent in its pursuit.
  • Hold on to my love for GOD is the root.
GOD sees the finish line and is cheering for me to finish well and not give up. HE wants me to continue to put my trust in HIM, show faith and persevere with patience. HE wants me to know that HE is pleased with my efforts regardless of those who scoff at my attempts. In the end HE will reward my hopes and dreams.
  • Are you getting weary?
  • Do you feel like giving up?
  • Can you “hold on” knowing that GOD sees and hears you?
  • Do you believe HE truly loves you and wants you to finish the race?

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