Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I’ll take the weeds instead of the fruit today!

Hebrews 6: 7 Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. 8 But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.


There we were, in the middle of a disagreement. How did we get there? Why were we there? The only thing I could think was that person was wrong and I was right… plain and simple! But it’s not that plain nor is it simple. If it takes two to make an argument, what was I doing?

  • Being around humans that disagree with me is actually quite humbling.
  • Being around humans that disagree with me shows me that I’m not always right.
  • Being around humans that disagree with me helps refine me into something better for GOD.

My goal for my family is to send them out of the house smiling. Missing chores, broken things, misspoken words thwart that goal and in my retaliation I produce “weeds” not “fruit.”

  • I produce weeds being impatient, fruit when I wait on GOD.
  • I produce weeds being fearful, fruit when I show faith.
  • I produce weeds being poisonous in my words, fruit when I speak encouragement.

The Bible has a lot of “rights” and “wrongs” but head knowledge of these things is not enough for GOD. HE wants me to have “heart” knowledge which requires grace, mercy and unconditional love.

Wow, how can I give these things if I feel empty? The answer is “I can’t” at least not on my own.

  • In order to show “grace” I must remember the grace JESUS showed me.
  • In order to show “mercy” I must be willing to admit when I am wrong especially when I can’t see it.
  • In order to show “unconditional love” I must point at the savior who is the only one who can do that.

My heart is supposed to be GOD’s “land.” I can fill it with seeds that produce fruit or weeds. I can fill it with compassion for others or pity for myself. GOD’s heart looks forward not backward and I want to produce the “blessings” HE sows for others.

  • What is in “your” heart right now?
  • Are you focused on greed, lust, vices, or drugs?
  • Can you find out what GOD wants you to plant in your heart today?
  • Can you stop waiting on “perfect” conditions before you produce fruit?

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