Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I need a bad "memory."

Matthew 6: 14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Which box are you in, box number one or two? You are probably in a box because I put you there. Either you did something bad or good to me. Funny, if you are in the “did something bad to me” box then it’s very hard to get you out of that box. My memory is clear and the malefaction is brought top of mind.

The other box is a nice box that I put you in which is the “you did some nice things for me” box. It’s filled with good memories and sometimes raises the person up on a pedestal that maybe they don’t deserve.

  • When I remember the sin the other person did, I cannot fully forgive.
  • When I replay the details of the sin over and over, then my mind adds details from other sins.
  • When I retrace the steps of the person’s sin I find myself in the trap of their sin.
Humans will do wrong things. I am human and I will do something wrong. My reaction to sin, blatant or not, is what GOD looks at to determine my consequence. “Consequence?” you ask. Yes consequence. I am saved from eternal separation through belief in JESUS which is an “ultimate” path, but what about the “relative” path?

  • If my “relationships” are not healed then I will have turmoil on earth.
  • When my “relationships” suffer my words are weakened and I spiral downward into more sin.
  • If I allow their sin to get in the way of my “relationship” with the person then GOD will allow the full consequence of “my” sin to hit me hard.

GOD put me here to “relate well” with others in order to draw them back to HIM. I must model the mercy, grace and love HE models toward me. I must admit this is quite difficult, especially with close loved ones BUT GOD gives me help.

In my prayers I can ask for GOD to forgive them as HE has forgiven me for (insert sin here). I can also purge my memory of the event and practice remembering good things.
  • Are you good at holding grudges?
  • Someone has to show grace and mercy first, can it be you?
  • What sin have you done recently that GOD may show full consequence?
  • Can you remember what good things the other person has done?

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