Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tired? Give it to GOD.

Matthew 11:    28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


There are times that I get tired of the whole “good” versus “evil” thing. I mean it seems like I come up wrong most of the time and my efforts seem to go unrewarded. When I try to serve people they blow it off, troubles seem to still come my way and those I have been praying for don’t seem to be getting better (at least from where I see it).
  • The reason I get tired is I am trying to do things my way, not GOD’s way.
  • The reason I get tired is I think “I” have the answer when it is really up to GOD.
  • The reason I get tired is I try to manipulate GOD and change HIS direction rather than going with HIM.
GOD told me to “Come to HIM” which means I have to stop running away scared of the consequence HE has for me because of my sin. HE then told me to “learn from HIM” which means I have to drop my know it all ways and trust HIS plan.

HE also told me that HE is “gentle” “humble in heart” and that HE would “give me rest.” GOD took on the burden of sin and HE gave me an easy job. All HE wants me to do is be at peace with HIM and tell others why I am peaceful.
  • Rest comes when I see things GOD’s way.
  • Rest comes when I learn from GOD and I understand how gentle HE truly is with me.
  • Rest comes when I can finally give up the fight I have with GOD trying to get my way.
I have noticed I rest better when I trust GOD to do HIS thing. I get nervous when I am trying to do something and GOD’s answer may be “no.” Learning from GOD and doing HIS tasks are easy when I truly ask HIM “LORD what do YOU want?”
  • Are you tired?
  • What battle are you fighting?
  • Are you trying to get “your way” or have you asked GOD “what do YOU want?”
  • Can you say to GOD “YOU will be done” today?

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