Friday, April 27, 2012

Am I led by the SPIRIT?

1 Corinthians 2: 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.


When speaking about the HOLY SPIRIT I sometimes feel like a nut.  I mean can I really tell others that I actually hear something that tells me what to do without sounding crazy? Well, let me tell you, the HOLY SPIRIT tells me stuff to do all the time, sometimes I listen.

  • When I’m tempted to sin the HOLY SPIRIT warns me against the sin.
  • When I want to be mad at that person, the HOLY SPIRIT says forgive just like you were forgiven.
  • When I want to treat myself to something nice, the HOLY SPIRIT says give that extra cash to someone in need.

The problem I have with the HOLY SPIRIT is I want to do what I want to do and most times I don’t want to listen to HIM. HE is always going to tell me to do something I don’t want to do, yet when I listen to HIM my heart is filled.

  • When I listen to the HOLY SPIRIT, I never go wrong.
  • When I listen to the HOLY SPIRIT, it’s scary at first then I realize later I’m on the best path.
  • When I listen to the HOLY SPIRIT, I do things I normally would not do but it furthers the kingdom.

I have seen people burn down buildings or kill their families saying GOD told them to do it. Now to me that’s crazy. The HOLT SPIRIT says to me “Be compassionate to your enemy” or “Go serve when you don’t feel like serving” or “Give even when you feel nervous about giving.” None of these items are news worthy but I can tell you, each time I obey, I understand GOD a little more.

  • Are you led by the HOLY SPIRIT or are you doing what you want to do?
  • What are you doing to step out on GOD’s faith?
  • What part of GOD’s kingdom is HE nagging you about?
  • Is there someplace or someone GOD is telling you to serve and you are ignoring it?
  • Won’t you listen to the HOLY SPIIT today and obey HIM?

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