Thursday, May 17, 2012

Appreciate Others

1 Corinthians 12:There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.


“I’ll just do it myself!” are the words I find myself using when someone isn’t meeting my standard.  I mean instead of having it done “wrong” I’d rather do it myself. Then I got extremely busy and someone volunteered to do something for me. They did it their way and not mine and it actually turned out fine.

  • It’s arrogant for me to think everyone should have my gifts.
  • It’s arrogant for me to not recognize the gifts GOD has given others.
  • It’s arrogant for me to think my gifts and talents are complete and that I don’t need others.

GOD has given “everyone” gifts and talents to be used for HIS purpose. When HE made “that” person HE was just as excited as when HE made me. I should not look down on what others are doing for the LORD rather I should appreciate each task they do.

  • Thank GOD HE made other people see things different than I do otherwise there would be no variety.
  • Thank GOD HE gave others talents different than mine because I am incomplete without them.
  • Thank GOD HE bestowed gifts on others so I can recognize I have no means to brag or boast.

Appreciating differences takes practice and patience. When I want to run fast and this person wants to walk slowly I should recognize their talent for moving at the pace GOD gave them. In other words GOD says “it’s all good to ME.” It’s easy to recognize differences in the way things are done but GOD wants me to “appreciate” rather than “frustrate.”

  • Are you focused on what someone is doing wrong?
  • Can you appreciate the differences they bring to the table?
  • Do you see you are incomplete and need “that” person’s help?
  • Won’t you seek a different opinion that is opposite yours instead of trying to validate your opinion?
  • Can you see the talents GOD has given others?

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