Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Afraid to plant crops

Genesis 26: 12 Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. 


Comfortable in my position I had no further plans to move up.  I could stay in this position forever as far as I was concerned.  When they offered me a promotion I worried about the future. Not only was it a big step, it was unknown. “I wonder if I should turn it down” ran through my mind.

  • Fear makes me stay stagnant.
  • Fear holds me back from pursuing difficult things.
  • Fear tells me what is wrong with the situation and blinds me to what I’m supposed to be learning.

I don’t think Isaac planted crops thinking “I’m going to be rich.”  I believe he planted what would sustain him and GOD decided to make him rich because of the plan GOD put in motion. Stepping forward is what I noticed here. It took faith to simply step forward and plant the crop.

  • GOD wants me to move forward on faith knowing HE will be there every step of the way.
  • GOD wants me to understand my fears, doubts and worries so I can give them to HIM.
  • GOD wants me to open my eyes and ears to see and hear HIM enough to take steps necessary for HIM to bless me.

I may fail. I may be broken. That’s the risk! BUT GOD is there with me every step of the way.

  • Is something holding you back from accomplishing your goal?
  • Are you blinded by your circumstance?
  • Can you take the next step on faith knowing GOD is with you?

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