Tuesday, May 7, 2013

GOD hears me

Exodus 2:23 During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. 24 God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. 25 So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them.


“One more mile to go” was the thought in my tired mind. This wasn’t marathon training rather it was my commute home from school. We got off the third bus of our commute and instead of waiting on the last one we decided to walk.  As we began our journey across a massive grocer parking lot we were met with a gang of hoodlums.

We looked at each other, said where we would meet and took off “zigzag” running in opposite directions. Track practice had paid off for us. We joined each other after I was sure the police were on their way.

  • There are times where I will face adversity.
  • There are times when things will seem like everything is going wrong.
  • There are times when I will be sure “this is going to end very badly.”

I used to ask why GOD allows so many problems to happen to me.  I mean shouldn’t I be problem free since I believe in HIS SON for my salvation?  Now that I have matured I realize it’s because of my belief that I will face adversity!  GOD knows this life will be difficult and HE is there for me.

  • GOD hears me when I am scared.
  • GOD hears me when I am worried.
  • GOD hears me when I feel like giving up.

GOD knows exactly what I’m going through.  HIS hand of protection forges my faith in HIM because HE has delivered me time after time.  HE hears my groans and rescues me!

  • Are you facing adversity?
  • Do you feel like crying out for help?
  • Do you realize GOD hears you?
  • Can you understand that GOD has a plan for you on the other side of this trial? 

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