Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fallen words

1 Samuel 3: 19 The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of Samuel’s words fall to the ground.


Foul language had never crossed my lips until I decided I wanted to be funny like one of my friend’s. He seemed to get attention and he was quite colorful in his language.  I slipped one in and got some chuckles. Soon my words were as a filthy as a rhino in a swamp.

Hilarious was my label, but when I wanted to be taken seriously, my words fell to the ground unheard.

  • When I want attention I may use the wrong words.
  • When I want to fit in I may say what the crowd is saying.
  • When I want something I shouldn’t have I may say what is necessary for me to get that thing.

I learned terms like “Business is not personal” so my cold words could affect a life without me being worried about it.  I even went so far to pick up phrases that excluded people from being saved like “GOD doesn’t like that person” or “GOD isn’t with that leader.”

  • GOD wants my words to be encouraging so I can bring people to HIM.
  • GOD wants my words to match my actions so I can bring people to HIM.
  • GOD wants my words to come from HIS words so I can bring people to HIM.

I sometimes forget that I was put on this planet with GOD’s purpose rather than mine.  When I speak poorly about a group of people in leadership or in a different neighborhood than me, then my words fall to the ground. GOD wants my words to be elevated off the ground. When I speak of HIS might, then HE can use these words to bring many to HIM.

  • Are you wasting your words?
  • What are you talking about?
  • Can you take a moment and use some words to be more encouraging?
  • Won’t you say a praise about GOD today?

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