Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Why is “that” person in charge?

1 Samuel 12: 22 For the sake of his great name the Lord will not reject his people, because the Lord was pleased to make you his own. 23 As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right. 24 But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. 


“Slick” was the one word that I could describe this particular boss.  I had just switched departments and my prior manager was a dream.  She was clear in her direction and collected input from her staff. Not this guy. He was unsure of where we were going and on occasion he would stretch the truth. Okay, he would lie all the time!

He would adjust his words to whatever audience he was in front of. “What a con artist” I thought to myself. “I wish I had my old boss back” I sighed.

  • My complaints about “that” person are very unflattering.
  • My jabs about “that” person reflect negatively on me.
  • My negative thoughts about “that” person seem to take up too much of my energy and distract me from the truth.

When “that” person sins I put on my judgment hat saying, “they can’t possibly be GOD’s child” so I refuse to pray for them. I mean look at what “they” are doing. They can’t possibly deserve prayer.

  • GOD says it is a sin for me to hold back prayer, especially for my enemies.
  • GOD says HE would hold it against me if HE prompted me to pray for someone and I refused.
  • GOD says HE wants me to teach “everyone” the way that is good and right.

In order to serve the LORD faithfully with all my heart, I will need to pray for those whom I feel do not deserve my prayer. In fact, I need to question why I feel they don’t deserve my prayer in the first place. GOD wants me to consider the great things HE has done for me and lavish those thoughts on others.

  • Do you have strong negative thoughts about “that” person?
  • Are you judging “that” person without understanding them?
  • Can you release your judgment about “that” person and pray for them?
  • Won’t you get your life back by letting go of the negative thoughts and focus on what GOD is doing for all?

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