Friday, March 21, 2014

What does strength look like?

2 Samuel 3:1The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.


36 All the people took note and were pleased; indeed, everything the king did pleased them. 37 So on that day all the people there and all Israel knew that the king had no part in the murder of Abner son of Ner.


Everyone stood up when this guy walked in the room.  I was slow to rise as I was befuddled as to what was going on. We just stood there waiting on someone else to say something. I have no idea what was said but was happy when the guy left. “Don’t you know that was the vice president of something” they exclaimed.

From that day forward I tried to pay attention to what actually made someone powerful. I thought it was obtaining a title so I climbed the ladder to get one. I found out titles make people weaker because they can lean on them.

  • When I use a title as my strength, I am weak.
  • When I value someone’s title more than others, I am weak.
  • When I think a title will give me more power, I am weak.

Once again David showed me what strength looks like. One of his generals murdered a person who defected and joined David in the quest for the kingdom. Abner was David’s enemy only because he was loyal to Saul, but Abner wanted the kingdom to follow David once Saul died.

David’s general murdered Abner in revenge but tried to cover it up saying Abner was acting as a spy. David cried and would not eat when he heard of the news. He actually cared.

  • I learned that strong people care about others rather than the position.
  • I learned that strong people don’t care about the competitive advantage rather they do what is right.
  • I learned that strong people aren’t afraid to weep in public and are courageous enough to call out what is wrong.

Titles don’t make me strong, GOD does! In my weakness HE is strong. HE is pleased when I care about others and seek HIS face. HE wants me to value HIM rather than positions. GOD wants me to elevate HIM as the true measure of strength.

  • Are you acting weak?
  • Do you seek revenge?
  • Do you believe that things would be better at the next level?
  • Won’t you look to GOD as your source of strength rather than the title you aspire to?

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