Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Getting Too Comfortable

Psalm 2: 11 Serve the Lord with fear
    and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
    and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
    Blessed are all who take refuge in him.


We used to have a saying, “Don’t put your feet up on the boss’s desk” which meant don’t get too comfortable because that person is still your boss. I mean come on, this company won’t miss this ream of paper or they won’t mind if I slip off and do personal stuff while I am supposed to be working.

I sat on a team that was investigating a person who got so used to taking the company’s stuff that he took $600K worth of stuff. This scared me so much that I made sure my expense reports were impeccable!

  • There were times when I would treat GOD with a little too much familiarity.
  • There were times when I would treat GOD as if HE wouldn’t mind my tiny sin.
  • There were times when I would treat GOD like HE never gave me any path to follow.

Yes I know it is very confusing to have a sin nature that is passed down from generation to generation through birth. I do know that I am in the group where it says “all have sinned and come short of GOD’s glory.” But there has to be more to this relationship with GOD than being “good” sometimes and sometimes being “bad.”

  • Trust is what GOD wants me to give HIM rather than giving it to money or humans or myself.
  • Faith is what GOD wants me to plant in myself and others leveraging “trust” to grow it to maturity.
  • Belief is what GOD wants me to have in HIS SON on a daily basis, knowing my sins have been wiped out by HIS death.

The sin nature thing is difficult. It wars and rages inside of me letting me know I am not perfect. BUT GOD loves when I focus on HIM for just a moment and give my heart and mind to HIM. HE wants me to have a healthy “fear” of HIM where I fear not following HIM than getting the accolades of mankind.

  • Are you treating GOD with too much familiarity?
  • Do you think GOD won’t mind if you keep doing what you are doing?
  • Can you give GOD a second, then a minute, then an hour, then maybe a day?
  • Will you focus on maturing in GOD by learning of HIM?

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