Friday, August 5, 2016

Entitled Confidence

Ezekiel 29: 16 Egypt will no longer be a source of confidence for the people of Israel but will be a reminder of their sin in turning to her for help. Then they will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.


“I finally made it” I thought to myself. I had climbed the ladder all the way to the top and I can really help the people I sought to help. Months later a reorganization happened and the person who put me in place was no longer there. In fact many of my supporters were gone.

  • At one time I had confidence in “my” title.
  • At one time I had confidence in the “power” I was given.
  • At one time I had confidence in place I worked.

I literally thought I would work at one place until I retired, at least that was the dream of my age group. I placed an enormous amount of confidence in those who should do the right thing for those who worked hard and did not cause trouble. When I saw good people disappear one by one, my confidence waned. What should I place my confidence in?

  • GOD said to me “Stand still and wait on the LORD.”
  • GOD said to me “I AM the ONE who you should place all of your trust.”
  • GOD said to me “I AM the ONE who loves you and will keep you.”

It felt strange to place my trust in GOD. I mean what about bank accounts, houses, cars and other stuff? GOD said “All those things are nice but I can make them rust or have a moth eat them. Do not worry about those things, but seek MY kingdom and I will always take care of you.” Suddenly the worry fell off my shoulders. You mean I can depend on GOD and not have to be something I don’t want to be? Yes! GOD wants me to place my total confidence in HIM alone.

  • Where have you placed your confidence?
  • Do you think you are the one who got you where you are?
  • Can you give GOD praise for giving you your talents and abilities?
  • Will you ask GOD to guide you?

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