Thursday, November 17, 2011

It wasn’t me!

John 12: 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.


“Who broke that” my parents would ask us. My immediate response “It wasn’t me.” “Who made the mess in the dorm” the resident assistant asked. “It wasn’t me” was my quick response though I was present at the small gathering. At work I was asked “Who was supposed to be responsible for watching over this large issue” my usual dodge came out “It wasn’t me.”

A funny thing happened when someone spoke up and took the heat at work. They were promoted! “Wait it was me!” Aw man, too late!
  • Self-preservation makes me try to hide my sins.
  • Self-preservation makes me jealous when someone is getting all the attention.
  • Self-preservation makes me cautious about who and when I talk about CHRIST.
Dodging responsibility for wrongs is one thing but what is worse is hiding my relationship with GOD in order to preserve my wealth, status or lusts. The statement “I like my life” has a major flaw, namely sin.
  • GOD wants me to tell the powers that be I will follow HIM before I follow a human.
  • GOD wants me to make sacrifices to HIM that may include giving up a status or some wealth or power just to show HE is in control.
  • GOD wants me to not be afraid to travel to the unknown because my life is HIS and HE can do as HE pleases with it.
I have a choice in life, serve others for GOD or serve myself. Many times I choose me over GOD, but there are those moments when I choose to serve GOD’s humans just because I love GOD. While those moments are rare, HE definitely honors me when I follow HIM.
  • Are you desperately trying to hold onto your life?
  • Could it be that GOD wants you to let go of your lifestyle so HE can do some marvelous things in your life?
  • Has GOD given you a solid purpose that you can tell people?
  • Do you realize GOD has a wonderful plan for your life that includes HIS promises for you?

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