Thursday, July 12, 2012

Am I consistent?

Galatians 4: 18 It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good, and to be so always, not just when I am with you.


Lunch was a time we looked forward to.  We would head out with zeal to our favorite grazing areas.  Soon we would think of excuses for taking longer and longer lunches. Our zeal for leisure turned into careful planning. We had developed elaborate games to increase our enjoyment. This required others to tell us when our boss was coming so we could “look” like we were working hard.

“You guys haven’t unloaded that truck yet” my supervisor exclaimed. We thought of some lie to get him off our back then we went back to work. I wonder if they appreciated my work ethic.

  • I fail in my character when I am good in front of one group and faulty around another.
  • I send mixed messages when I am good sometimes and sneaky other times.
  • I misplace my “zeal” when I use it for things that may not be as pleasing to GOD.

My zeal can cause me to act inconsistent. I can want something so bad that I alter my behavior to get what I want even if it is not aligned with GOD. Then I try to “act” good when in reality GOD is watching my every move and knows my faulty plan.

  • GOD knows my thoughts so I should control them to focus on HIM.
  • GOD knows my actions so I should reduce the things I do wrong and try to focus on what HE wants me to do.
  • GOD knows my heart so I should practice placing the right things in it in order to act consistent.

From my appearance to my shallow words I had to “appear” polished as an executive. No matter how bad things were going I had to look as though nothing were wrong. BUT GOD wanted me to act different. HE wants my character. HE wants my consistence. HE wants me to act in the truth.

Character and consistency brings peace to all my actions because I don’t have to remember lies.

  • Are you inconsistent with your example of CHRIST?
  • Are you one way with some people and different with others?
  • Can you become more consistent with your walk with CHRIST?

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