Friday, August 24, 2012

Where am I a citizen?

Philippians 3: 20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 
who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.


When I arrived in town I didn’t know anyone. I went to the grocery store, bought food and settled into my apartment with nothing to do.  “Maybe the people at work would bring me some companionship” I thought, but at the end of the day everyone cleared out like some sort of whistle had blown.

Cliques were difficult to crack and soon I became homesick. I had so many “friends” at home. “Will I be stuck here?” I shuttered.

  • No matter how fun I make life, this not my home.
  • No matter how much I try to fit in, this is not my home.
  • No matter how much money I make or what title I achieve, this is not my home.

I worked extremely hard on jobs to get promoted chasing a dream only to find when I arrived there was another destination. I worked hard to get accepted into groups only to find the group wanted to be in other groups. I worked hard to look like the world wanted me to look only to find GOD didn’t want me to look like the world.

  • I eagerly await my SAVIOR JESUS who is the CHRIST to wipe away my tears.
  • I eagerly await my SAVIOR JESUS who is the CHRIST to fix all my broken ways.
  • I eagerly await my SAVIOR JESUS who is the CHRIST to transform me into an eternal being who never has to experience pain, misery or death.

GOD made me to be with HIM forever. The things of this world that worry me should actually have no effect on me because this is not my home.  I should act like I belong to a greater place one with no worries, no pain, and no sorrows.

  • What are you chasing?
  • Are you spending all your time trying to chase the world’s standards?
  • When will you spend a little time with GOD?
  • Can you slow down chasing your Earthly dream and focus a little of your attention to heaven?

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