Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Am I ready?

Revelation 16: 15 “Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed.”


“What is taking him so long?” I asked myself as I waited in the lobby. We were supposed to be doing a tour of businesses in the area and this person was making us late.  While waiting, I received a phone call.  I moved to a quiet location and got lost in my discussion. 

When I got off the phone, everyone looked angrily at me. I didn’t notice the person we were waiting on had returned and I was now the culprit in making the group late. I wasn’t ready.

  • Sometimes I doubt that JESUS is going to return so I sin instead of preparing.
  • Sometimes I believe I will have another day to get it right so I focus on me instead of others.
  • Sometimes I think GOD will forgive me for my sins so HE won’t mind if I continue in them.

Yes I know I am forgiven for all my sins and that’s the reason I watch out for CHRIST’s return.  “Just think of the look on my face if JESUS returned right now” is the thought that crosses my mind in the middle of my sin.

This passage implies that someone won’t be ready for HIS return.  It also implies that once HE does return, it will be too late. HE gives me a short lifetime to “get it right.” Why waste my life on items that will not last eternally?

  • Are you living a life of purpose?
  • Are you so determined to live your life your way or will you include GOD’s way?
  • If JESUS were to return today, would HE be pleased at your activity?

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