Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Being Defensive

Job 20:“My troubled thoughts prompt me to answer
    because I am greatly disturbed.
I hear a rebuke that dishonors me,
    and my understanding inspires me to reply.


Evaluation time was here again and I sat across from my boss feeling like a child. Inside my head my eyes were rolling because the words were not flattering. When I had enough, I spoke up. My boss said something profound. “Don’t be defensive, take these words and exceed.”

  • Sometimes I don’t like it when I’m criticized.
  • Sometimes I don’t like it when my flaws are pointed out.
  • Sometimes I don’t like it when I’m told to improve.

I’m alright just the way I am, aren’t I? Well, maybe. One flaw of Job’s friend Zophar is that he was blaming Job for Jobs’ calamity. While he was well meaning, he was trying to get Job to admit to guilt that Job did not possess. Zophar could not improve and considered Jobs’ rebuke as an insult. I feel the same way at times. I mean who wants to be told “Your face, hair, body, personality, decisions and actions are all wrong?” GOD told me to listen to my boss.

  • GOD says to me “Be slow to anger.”
  • GOD says to me “Listen to wise counsel.”
  • GOD says to me “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.”

I don’t mean stay around an abuser of power, but what I am saying is “work for GOD not for humans.” When I work for GOD then I try harder to please HIM rather than pleasing mankind. My actions may seem strange but my heart will be right. When I hear a criticism, I can then way it against what GOD says and if there is truth to the statement, be willing to change.

After I made internal changes and asked others what I could improve, I got promoted three times. Pride blinds, GOD opens my eyes and HE opens doors.

  • Are you mad at your evaluation?
  • Is someone being critical of you in a healthy way?
  • Do you believe you cannot be criticized?
  • Will you drop your defenses and listen to see if GOD is trying to reach you?

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