Friday, March 4, 2011

You are talented so use your gifts!

1 Peter 4: 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.


“What is going to be your major in college” the teacher asked our class. “I want to be a surgeon” one said, “Political Science because I want to be a lawyer” another exclaimed. But when it was my turn I just froze. I wasn’t particularly talented in a specific thing.

My grades were decent but I never thought about what I would like to do. I was scrawny so I couldn’t play sports. I could draw but only as a doodler. I sat confused because I was around so many talented people. I poked my lip out and said “I’m not good at anything!”

  • When I think I am not talented I’m telling GOD HE made a mistake.
  • When I think I’m not special I’m telling GOD HE doesn’t know what HE is doing.
  • When I think I don’t have any talent I miss out on living an abundant life GOD has in store for me.

Comparing myself to others is always a bad thing to do because it breeds jealousy and envy. GOD wants me to focus only on me, recognizing my special talents and gifts so I can use them to further HIS kingdom. In other words, stop looking over the fence and get busy in my own yard.

  • GOD made EVERY human with a special gift.
  • All of GOD’s gifts that HE gave humans are for HIS purpose and pleasure.
  • When GOD made me HE was very pleased because HE gave me a talent.

GOD made me special for HIS purpose. I have a choice to use the gifts and talents HE gave me to fulfill my earthly lusts or to grow HIS kingdom. Unfortunately many times I choose self over GOD, but the times I do focus my talents on serving HIS humans, HE is extremely pleased with me.

GOD didn’t make me to “get” stuff, GOD made me to “give” stuff. My talents are supposed to be used to serve many people, love many people, encourage many people and praise JESUS our living GOD who is equal to the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT.

  • What is your talent or gift from GOD?
  • Are you comparing yourself to others?
  • Can you use your talents some of the time to serve someone just because GOD wants you to?

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