Monday, March 14, 2011

I want what I want right now!

2 Peter 3: 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.


“How old are you?” the bouncer asked. “Twenty One”, my twenty year old mouth said to get into a bar. I mean my birthday is in two months, I’m practically there. “How old are you?” asked one of the partners at the firm “Thirty” came out of my twenty-seven year old mouth in hopes to gain some respect and pretend I was more seasoned than he thought.

It seemed like I couldn’t wait to grow up because there was always something better ahead of the current age. I was impatient with just sitting waiting on things to happen so I tried to make them happen right then and there. BUT GOD is quite different in HIS approach.
  • I may be impatient with trials, BUT GOD knows how long to leave me in them to grow me up.
  • I may be impatient with people, BUT GOD is extremely patient with me and my sins.
  • I may be impatient with GOD’s timing, BUT GOD is patient and waiting on that last person to accept HIS SON.
Let’s face it, I want things when I want things, how I want things. I set an expectation and “pray at” GOD expecting HIM to do my bidding the way I want HIM to. When HE says no then I doubt HIS power, wisdom and love for me. I am so glad HE has patience with me.
  • GOD has extreme patience and love for me.
  • GOD died for all of my sins and HE is patiently waiting on others to believe in HIS SON.
  • GOD can wait a lot longer than I can so I might as well follow HIM in the middle of my trials instead of waiting on things to be perfect.
Tragic things happened over the weekend and people are wondering if GOD is going to return tomorrow. HE could, but HE wants to wait on as many humans as possible to love HIM and accept the gift of eternal life. GOD is patient with me and I am eternally grateful.
  • Are you waiting on something?
  • Have you lost your patience with someone?
  • Can you be patient with “that” person?
  • Can you relax and let GOD do HIS thing?

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