Friday, March 11, 2011

GOD knows what HE is doing.

2 Peter 2: 9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.


Earthquakes and tsunami’s was the news I woke to this morning. Devastation and tribulation seemed to get the anchor people excited. Bad news about the economy and jobs was in my newspaper and to top it all off, my shoulder was killing me. Why in the world would GOD allow all of this stuff to happen?
  • When sin entered the world the earth became cursed.
  • When sin entered the world humans were sentenced to trials, troubles and tribulation.
  • When sin entered the world I was sentenced to death.
It all began with two people being tempted to be like GOD. Their curiosity unleashed death with no hope of salvation. BUT GOD knew they would do this before HE created them.  HE decided long before to die for their sins and mine as a rescue mission.
  • GOD knew a chain of events would happen once sin entered the world.
  • GOD knew HE was the only one who could rescue me.
  • GOD knew the trials I must face so HE put limits on them and used them to grow my faith.
GOD knows exactly what HE is doing. HE is in control even though things seem tough and dismal. HE gets excited when I accept trials and still praise HIM. All of heaven rejoices when one person gives up their sinful life to become a follower of our savior, JESUS who is the CHRIST.

Yes the world has bad news, BUT GOD is full of love, grace, mercy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and peace. HE said HE would never leave me, this makes my trials bearable because I have hope when others do not.
  • Are you in a trial?
  • Do you feel lost and bewildered?
  • Do you know GOD loves you?
  • Have you accepted the fact that you are sentenced to die but can live eternally if you believe JESUS took your sentence?

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