Thursday, June 9, 2011

But I’m tired of forgiving “that person!”

Matthew 18: 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.


“Why did you do that?” or “how did you fall into that trap?” or “my way of doing things has worked better than the way you do things” are all thoughts I’ve had of friends, neighbors and even my family. It’s called “deflection” when I show the other person’s flaws to make me look good.

So what does this have to do with forgiveness?
  • When I hold another person to a higher standard than I hold myself I am unforgiving.
  • When I point out a person’s flaws in order to make myself shine I am unforgiving.
  • When I constantly point out the mistakes the person makes I am unforgiving.
People will make mistakes and sometimes they will do it over and over and over.  In fact GOD may have given me a gift or talent that HE has not given “that” person and HE expects me to be merciful when they make a mistake in that area. GOD wants me to make the other person shine.
  • Instead of blaming “that” person GOD wants me to pray for them.
  • Instead of being right GOD wants me to mature “that” person.
  • Instead of getting my way GOD wants me to allow “that” person to make mistakes in order to learn from HIM.
Hey, it’s difficult to let go especially when I have the “right” answer.  “If ‘that’ person would have just done it my way then I wouldn’t have to forgive them for ‘this’ mistake” is an attitude GOD wants me to get rid of. HE would rather me watch the plan crash and burn because I forgave rather than serving justice on “that” person.

“That doesn’t sound fair” you say. Well it isn’t, neither is GOD’s constant forgiveness for my daily sins. GOD has shown that forgiveness isn’t about fairness it’s about showing HIS love.
  • Has “that” person made a mistake again?
  • Will “they” ever do anything right?
  • Can you make “that” person shine instead of tearing them down because of their mistake?
  • Can you forgive “them” even though you have forgiven them for this same sin yesterday?
  • Is there a sin you need GOD to forgive you of?

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