Thursday, June 2, 2011

What kind of person am I?

Matthew 13 – The Parable of the Sower explained.

Rocky Heart
19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path.
This is when I flat out don’t believe what GOD says. In salvation I believe in JESUS, but sometimes I don’t think there will be any consequences to my sinful actions. GOD says different. HE wants me to transform my heart that hates my enemies into a soft graceful one.


Muddy Heart
20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.
This is when I hear a message on Sunday but never take time to apply what was said. GOD may tell me to make a change in my life but I keep going the way I want to instead of paying attention to HIM. GOD wants me to learn about HIM daily and apply HIS word to my unclean heart.


Misguided Heart
22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.
This is when I worry about having a job and then I worry about not having a job. I worry about having bills then I worry about not having the latest thing. I worry about being sick then I worry about maintaining health. GOD wants me to give my worries to HIM by trusting in HIS plan.


GOD’s Heart
23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
This is when I humble myself and admit to GOD that my heart is stony, muddy and misguided and only HE can soften, clean and put it on the right path. Once I believe HE is the only way then HE can use me to bring HIS humans back to HIM.
  • What kind of person are you?
  • Are you seeking to serve GOD or has life’s worries got you down?
  • What are you doing to serve GOD?

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