Monday, December 19, 2011

It’s easy for GOD

John 21: 5 He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?”

   “No,” they answered.

 6 He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.


Sometimes I think I have become too smart for my own good.  There is nothing wrong with learning and education, but there are times when I brush off situations as coincidences or I explain them away with my scientific prowess. Do miracles happen daily and I am just numb to them?
  • Bullies told me to be scared of them because of their power but GOD said something different.
  • My professor told me I would never make it in my field of study but GOD said something different.
  • Scientists told me my child could be born with an illness but GOD said something different.
Throughout the years GOD has been there in my life nudging me along to a much better place. HE raised me to levels I should have never been, HE took me to places I would only have dreamt of travelling to and HE has shown me HIS power over and over again. 

Many would chock it up to just being lucky or karma or the “universe” just likes me but I say give credit where credit is due. 
  • It’s easy for GOD to protect me from that terrible accident.
  • It’s easy for GOD to heal my broken body.
  • It’s easy for GOD to mend my broken heart.
  • It’s easy for GOD to handle any and every situation or obstacle placed in my way.

Even the disciples had stopped following JESUS when HE died. They had seen HIM alive again and yet went back to work like nothing happened. HE wants me to know miracles happen daily, just open my eyes, ears and heart and they will happen.
  • Do you doubt GOD’s power?
  • Have you placed your belief in other mystical or scientific things outside of GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT?
  • Can you give GOD credit for doing more things in your life?

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