Thursday, December 15, 2011

Let it go!

John 20:  21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”


“Won’t these people move faster” was the thought running through my mind as we were slowly exiting the plane. Suddenly an even more impatient man got up from behind me, grabbed his bag, hit me on the head without excusing himself and pushed his way through the crowd. “I hope he’s late” I thought.
  • When I look for sins in people I can easily find them.
  • When I pick at someone’s scab from the wounds of life blame will flow.
  • When I seek to find how “the problem” began in someone we seem to all get wounded.
One strength that is also a flaw is I know healing won’t begin unless there is true admission of sin and wrongdoing. If the person cannot see they have a problem, they will never seek a cure. My problem is that it is easy for me to see the problems in others and difficult to admit problems of my own.
  • Forgiving others makes it easier for me to admit my problems to them.
  • Forgiving others means I must erase the recording that plays over and over in my mind.
  • Forgiving others frees up my thoughts for lovelier peaceful ones.
This is not an easy task for me. Perhaps it’s a defense mechanism or just a major flaw in my character. When GOD told me to “pray for my enemies that they may prosper” I thought HE was crazy, now I understand that grudges are poisonous and even the slightest glance from me will be filled with venom.

My wife asks me the question sometimes, “isn’t that the past, how do we look at the future?” In other words “let it go!” Sometimes it’s necessary to revisit my old wounds to see how they are healing as long as I can let the scab fall off in its natural time instead of picking at them and bleeding blame.
  • Is there someone who has wronged you deliberately or by accident?
  • Are you still holding onto a grudge?
  • How long will you hold onto that grudge?
  • Do you realize grudges are immature?
  • Can’t you look for the peace that GOD wants you to have by “letting it go?”

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