Friday, August 1, 2014

Asking GOD the right questions

1 Chronicles 14: 10 so David inquired of God: “Shall I go and attack the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hands?”

The Lord answered him, “Go, I will deliver them into your hands.”

Struggling to get the extremely large piece out of the garage, a few of us tussled with what I call “the Rock of Gibraltar furniture.” Three of us put our heads together, plotting our path carefully, hoping the furniture would get lighter. As we saddled this mountainous piece of furniture in our hands we struggled at the first set of steps just getting it into the house.

Once in, we had to climb steps, I believe these folks had 50,000 or so. I walked backwards and the other two gentlemen were on the end, pushing upward. When we reached the top of the stairway to my dismay, there were boxes blocking our path. We were holding this heavy thing and could not set it down!

  • Sometimes I run into obstacles and feel discouraged.
  • Sometimes I run into barriers and feel like giving up.
  • Sometimes I run into road blocks and feel like dropping heavy loads.

My tendency is to “plan” better and cut GOD out of the picture. I mean we could have checked the full path and been successful right? Wrong! The path was clear but boxes were placed in the path as we were on our way. GOD wants me to plan but do it in a different way.

  • GOD wants me to ask HIM if I should even be doing what I’m doing.
  • GOD wants me to ask HIM for success rather than focusing on my own power.
  • GOD wants me to ask HIM to handle extremely large problems as well as the small.

David’s army was but a flea compared to the Philistines. BUT GOD was with David and nothing could stop him. When GOD is with me who can be against me? GOD’s power is infinite, so it is up to me to ask HIM the right questions to determine my success that day.

  • Are you making decisions on your own?
  • Do you think you can accomplish things on your own power?
  • Can you ask GOD what HE wants you to do today?
  • Will you look to GOD to provide “success” to you HIS way?

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