Friday, August 29, 2014

A Place of Worship

1 Chronicles 2:“The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods. But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him? Who then am I to build a temple for him, except as a place to burn sacrifices before him?


Three forty five in the morning, I finally closed my eyes.  I heard noisy clumps of feet in the kitchen then I heard a knock on my door. My mother was telling me to get up for church. “I don’t feel like going right now” I responded. “If you can stay out all night, you can get up for church” was her response.

“Why do I have to go to church anyway?” I grumbled.

  • There have been times where I tried to leave GOD in the church building so I could do what I wanted to do.
  • There have been times where I didn’t want to go to the building where GOD lived because I couldn’t do what I wanted to do.
  • There have been times where I would leave the building where I thought GOD lived only to get back to doing what I wanted to do.

There was one flaw with my thinking. GOD is everywhere! I mean I had not only squeezed GOD into the tiny building we called a church, but there were even rooms where HE couldn’t possibly be in. I mean GOD couldn’t be in the bathrooms, only in the sanctuary and classrooms was my flawed thinking.

  • GOD is everywhere and church buildings are a gathering place for flawed people.
  • GOD is all seeing so every place I think HE is not, HE is.
  • GOD is all knowing so HE is even in my thoughts and desires even when they are not following HIS ways.

GOD cannot be contained or left at a building. When I go to “church” I am not going to see GOD, rather I am going to see a group of sinners rescued by GOD. I am there to hear how GOD transforms lives and tell people how HE has done the same in my life.

During the week I can meet with others to pray and talk. This is also “church.” And when I’m by myself I can bow my knees and praise GOD as an act of worship. GOD cannot be contained.

  • Do you think the “church” building is more sacred than your house?
  • Do you believe there is a place on earth more sacred than another?
  • Can you stop trying to contain GOD within certain things and see HIM everywhere?
  • Do you believe HE owns everything?
  • Won’t you stop crying for more and seek open eyes to HIM? 

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