Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Choose This Day

2 Chronicles 23: 16 Jehoiada then made a covenant that he, the people and the king would be the Lord’s people.


I had made it. I was on the golf course with the bunch! “Want a cigar?” they asked me. “No Thanks” I replied. “How about a drink?” another nudged me. “No Thanks” I replied again. “We’re going out later to ‘catch some curvy sights’ want to come? “No Thanks” I said. And as soon as I got in “the club” I was out.

That was my third strike and I was not invited to their reindeer games any longer. “Maybe I should rethink my stance” I thought to myself.

Choosing GOD can sometimes seem pretty harsh. I mean, can’t I have a little “fun?” Some of the people who have chosen to follow GOD seem a bit boring and judgmental I thought to myself. BUT GOD sees something different.

  • GOD sees what sin does to me.
  • GOD understands how sin blinds me.
  • GOD loves me too much to let sin run my life because HE has blessings for me.

GOD wants me to give up sin a little at a time without judging people around me. HE wants me to choose HIS path instead of the shiny wide road that leads me away from HIM. Sometimes the choice can seem crazy to everyone around me. It may mean I chart a harder course instead of the easy one to fame and riches.

  • GOD says “Choose this day who you will serve” to me.
  • GOD says “I stand at the door and knock” to me.
  • GOD says “Learn of ME.”

As I gave up yet another sinful desire, I sighed and started on GOD’s path. It seemed barren and fruitless at first. In fact the road was harder. BUT GOD blessed me more and more each day! HE is my rock and my salvation and I am now excited to shout HIS name!

  • Are you being tempted to do something that is not of GOD?
  • Do you think the road to GOD is too harsh?
  • Can you start following GOD without looking for the gifts and trinkets of the world?
  • Won’t you stop seeking fame and start pointing to GOD?

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