Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Half-Hearted Effort

2 Chronicles 31: 20 This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and right and faithful before the Lord his God. 21 In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.


“I wonder how long this guy will last?” was the snippy question that crossed my mind as the new boss rolled in. He talked a lot about credentials so I ignored him and his commands. Anything he told me to do, I did it halfheartedly.

I mean the task was completed but “just enough” rather than excellent. His boss watched my halfhearted efforts and said to me, “you still have to work here even if he leaves.”

  • Sometimes I do things halfheartedly.
  • Sometimes my motivation is low and I don’t give full effort.
  • Sometimes I do just enough to say it’s done rather than seeking what needs to be done.

When I started putting my whole heart into something I could actually see things change. I didn’t really care about the promotions and the spoils, rather I was focused on doing whatever I was doing, with excellence. GOD saw this.

  • Whenever I worked heard and gave GOD credit, I was blessed tremendously.
  • Whenever I had a huge task in front of me and asked GOD to remove the mountain, I have been blessed tremendously.
  • Whenever I included GOD in my plans I have been blessed tremendously.

GOD wants my whole heart. This includes my fears, doubts and worries along with my excitement, drive and ambitions. HE wants me to see HE can handle it all and I can stand still and see the salvation of the LORD.

  • Are you serving GOD halfheartedly?
  • Have you run out of gas serving GOD?
  • Can you change the focus of serving GOD from getting something from HIM to simply serving?
  • Won’t you dedicate all your efforts to HIM today?

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