Monday, November 17, 2014

The Basis of Choice

Nehemiah 7:I put in charge of Jerusalem my brother Hanani, along with Hananiah the commander of the citadel, because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most people do.


Fumbling through a book, I scratched my head teaching myself how to program computers. You would think I already knew what I was doing since that is what they hired me for. Little by little I picked up my craft, but I wasn’t very productive. I showed up to work early and stayed late trying to figure things out.

I thought I was going to be fired when the big boss pulled me in his office. “Can you handle the work?” he asked me. “Yes, I believe so” was my reply. “Great, we are going to give you more responsibility. We are going to send you to get trained and you will have more to do.”

  • Looking back I see that I was not always ready.
  • Looking back I see that I was not always equipped.
  • Looking back I see that I was not always confident in my abilities.

I had no experience, no proof and no excuse on my first job out of college. Everything just worked out the way it worked out. I was at a place where I was over my head and didn’t know what to do. BUT GOD knew what HE was doing.

  • GOD watched over me when I wasn’t the best choice.
  • GOD watched over me when I did not know what I was doing.
  • GOD watched over me when I was faced with something huge.

The big boss took a chance on me by giving me more responsibility, training and a mentor. Years later I brought this lesson with me and took a chance on the unlikely and GOD made it work tremendously time and time again.

  • Why are you choosing that person?
  • Are you and they fearing GOD rather than fearing your situation?
  • Is it more important to be obedient to GOD rather than getting your way?
  • Can you prayerfully take a chance on that person knowing it will be harder and require more patience?

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