Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Remember Me for This My GOD

Nehemiah 13: 14 Remember me for this, my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services.


Another truck pulled in and I slugged over to unload it. A coworker of mine said, “Let’s hide until the next truck comes.” I thought “Good idea!” I mean it was hot and I could use a break anyway. When the next truck arrived, the supervisor met us. “Where have you been?” he questioned. I stammered over my words but could not find a good retort. “I wonder if they will hire me next summer” I thought.

  • Sometimes I’m remembered by my pitiful actions.
  • Sometimes I’m remembered by my actions that aren’t so good.
  • Sometimes I’m remembered by my sinful actions.

As I was being shaped by the wrong people I made some horrible mistakes which caused several people to remember me in the wrong way. They remember the lazy oaf who slipped off work to goof off while getting paid. If I went to them this day, they would probably say “Yeah I remember. You caused production to be low that day and we did not get the account.” While that is not true, it could have happened that way.

  • GOD wants me to grow up and be mature.
  • GOD wants my actions to be focused on HIM rather on what I can get out of the deal.
  • GOD wants me to serve not scheme.

Integrity is what GOD wants from me. Throw in a little character and fortitude to do what is right and I will have the whole package for giving GOD some great memories of me. HE wants me to serve and believe and have faith when it does not seem like the right thing to do. When all have fallen away HE wants me to stand firm for HIM, yet be graceful when HE blesses me.

These are times GOD remembers.

  • What are you doing with your life?
  • Are you doing things the GOD will have good memories over?
  • Are you doing things to get your way or to serve GOD?
  • Can you focus your tasks on pleasing GOD today?

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