Thursday, September 29, 2016

Long Return

Hosea 3: For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or household gods. Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the Lord and to his blessings in the last days.


Unprepared was probably the nicest word I heard about my presentation. I tried to “wing it” but the audience saw through my feeble attempt. With a scowl, many in the department turned their backs to me. “How can I recover?” I asked. “Your reputation is in the toilet right now but it can be repaired, as long as you don’t kill anyone” someone said.

  • There are times when I feel I am on the outs with people.
  • There are times when I feel I am worthless to others.
  • There are times when I have actually blown it and have to straighten up and return to where I started.

“How long will it take to rebuild my reputation” I asked, thinking maybe two or three weeks. “One year, more or less” was the deadly answer I had to accept. After working extra hard to be prepared, amongst other things, I was able to rebuild my reputation. It took eighteen months and it did feel long.

  • GOD says to me “Return back to ME and I WILL restore you.”
  • GOD says to me “I WILL raise you up when you turn your ways to ME.”
  • GOD says to me “I AM the way”

I find GOD to be different. When I “blow it” GOD does not treat me the same as humans. GOD allows me to turn back to HIM daily and pours out HIS forgiveness in ways I cannot explain. HE washes me from head to toe and sets me on HIS righteous path. Sometimes the trials go longer than I would like, but I know HE is with me every step.

  • Have you made a huge mistake?
  • Do you think there is no way to return?
  • Can you stop blaming everyone around you and look to GOD for help?
  • Will you turn your face back to GOD and allow HIM to restore you in HIS time and HIS way?

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