Galatians 3: 26You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Meat sizzling on the grill, potato salad cooling in the fridge and my parents telling me to put the “pop” in the cooler meant we were going to have company over. Laughter over old pictures and games would commence. This laughter would sometimes be interrupted by the drunken uncle who wanted to say what was on his mind, usually it was provoking.
- I don’t understand how GOD can love me “and” the person who hates me.
- I can’t fathom why GOD accepts me in the middle of my sins.
- I won’t ever know how GOD does what HE does, but I do know I must believe in what HE does.
JESUS is GOD who became a man to live a perfect sinless life, die for mankind and is now alive through the power of the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT. Belief in this fact makes me a relative of the most powerful being in the universe. It also means the same for anyone who believes.
GOD loves people who don’t look like me.
GOD loves people who don’t act like me.
GOD loves people who don’t live like I do.
GOD loves people who don’t talk like I do.
GOD loves people who are mean.
GOD loves people who are sneaky.
GOD loves people who are thieves.
GOD loves people who are drug users.
GOD loves people who are gay.
GOD loves people who are adulterers.
GOD loves people who are bigots, bigamist, big liars, and big sinners.
“Wait a minute” you may say… doesn’t the Bible say the opposite? Doesn’t GOD hate these people? It sure does. The “law” condemns people like me to Hell, BUT GOD loved people like me so much that HE chose to die for me.
My relatives make mistakes as do I BUT GOD does not make mistakes. HE made other humans and that was no mistake. Humans now have a sinful flaw and do not deserve perfection.
Here is my quote “we are all in the mud, throwing mud at each other saying ‘you have mud on you.’” GOD has cleaned each one of us who says “I have mud on me.”
- Are you related to GOD?
- Do you believe GOD could be so compassionate to any person who committed “any” sin?
- Can you have compassion for another sinner other than yourself?
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