Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This message is for me!

Galatians 6:  1Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. 2Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 3If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, 5for each one should carry his own load.


“Wow what a great sermon the pastor preached” I thought to myself years ago. He had just finished a series on stewardship and I knew just the people this applied to. I made sure I had enough tapes (yes tapes) to pass out to the people who needed to hear this message.

“Maybe this will correct them. Maybe now THEY can get out of debt.” Aren’t they fortunate to have me in their lives? NO!

  • When I think someone else needs the message then GOD may have a problem with me.
  • When I talk about “them” I am not examining myself.
  • When I assume GOD needs me to deliver a message to someone, my arrogance may get in the way of the message.
Comparing myself to others comes in many forms. I attempt to clean myself up and set my own standard of what "clean" is then I stop. I then say to myself, “I’ve made it so let me go out and help others reach what I have reached.” Unfortunately for me, I haven’t “made it.”

  • GOD enjoys when I listen to HIS messages and apply them to my life.
  • HE celebrates when I test my own actions and act according to HIS SPIRIT.
  • GOD loves when I carry another person’s burdens rather than comparing how much better I am to others.
  • HE desires I seek restoration of an offensive person rather than patting myself on the back for being “good.”
There have been many times where I have seen someone do some crazy sinful things and I talk about “them” BUT GOD wants me to stop looking at “them” and start looking at me. GOD wants me to pick up my cross, in other words “carry my load.”
  • Do you compare yourself to others?
  • Are you trying hard to correct another person’s actions?
  • Have you tried letting go of steering them and cleaning yourself up?
  • Do you think GOD is pleased with your complaints about “that” person?
  • If you truly believe GOD is in control, can’t HE grow “that” person and you without your complaint?

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